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Monday, September 13, 2021

Keeping Up with the Ambots

 A modern interpretation of the classic adage about keeping up with the Joneses. According to Wikipedia:

"Keeping up with the Joneses" is an idiom used in many regions of the English-speaking world to refer to the comparison of one's neighbour as a standard for social caste or the amassing of material items. It originated in the United Kingdom. Failure to "keep up with the Joneses" is interpreted as a sign of social, economic, or cultural inferiority in some circles.

Extending one's financial resources beyond one's means can lead to calamity. Financial calamity. Debt. Bankruptcy. Foreclosure. Divorce.

It's a little like being in Amway.

In Amway, there is constant pressure to have what everyone else has, and to do so quickly. Even in our situation. We were out of the ordinary in terms of sponsorship. One of the very few people who genuinely owned their own home, drove excellent automobiles, had retirement money, and so on and so forth

As a result, our upline had to adopt a different approach and focus mostly on Ambot, because I wasn't really interested in what they had to offer. After reaching certain levels, such as Platinum, Emerald, and Diamond, the upline placed additional pressure on the team. All of this is expected to be completed within two to five years. This degree of expectation was placed on Ambot because everyone else in the WWDB line would be reaching that level at the same time, and we did not want to be left behind, did we?

Of course, there are the Amway gatherings, which feature slide slides of the Diamond lifestyle to entice attendees. Mansions, sports cars, yachts, private aircraft, and luxury vacations are some of the things that come to mind.

This coveted level could only be achieved by purchasing Amway products and motivational tools, and recruiting others to do the same. Ambot consistently purchased more than enough Amway items each month to generate more than 100 PV, but his upline continued to call and annoy him. This much PV has been generated by Upline Asshole this month. Surely, you'd like to beat him and reach Platinum before he gets there. That's the kind of nonsense.

The emphasis was always on Ambot to purchase things like motivating tools that others in the WWDB group had not purchased so that he could be one step ahead of them, and this meant that the rest of the group had to stay up with us as well.

It was a tremendous roller coaster ride, and it appears that keeping up with the ambots becomes more difficult the higher you climb. Diamonds who have declared bankruptcy and gone into foreclosure have been discussed by other bloggers, with links to where the relevant documentation can be located online in their comments. There is no doubt in my mind that those Diamonds are under pressure to stay up with and surpass one another in terms of material belongings, which has resulted in their financial ruin.

There were other items that Ambot purchased throughout our time in Amway that had nothing to do with the pyramid plan, but were just general purchases for things around the house that we didn't mention. Things that irritated me since we had no need for them, but he felt compelled to get them in order to appear respectable in front of the other ambots.

To summarise, while we were in Amway, we spent money on things we didn't need (both Amway products and material belongings) in order for Ambot to impress people I didn't care about.

Yes, he's a real grown-up. There are some legitimate reasons to be involved in the shady Amway enterprise. It's essential to stay up with those ambots!

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