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Monday, September 13, 2021

Is Amway Really One of the Top Internet Retailers?

 I was reading an article about Amazon being the leading retailer of Internet sales, with sales of approximately $30 billion in the previous year. According to the paper, Amazon had three times the amount of Internet sales as its nearest competitor.

Given the number of ambots who come to my site to call me a negative unchristian dream stealer quitter loser and to talk about how amazing Amway is and how they did $10 billion in sales last year, I speculated that Amway would be in the number 2 position.

Ha! I should have learned by now to disregard whatever an ambot says as a fabrication!

After reading that post, I decided to conduct a Google search for the biggest Internet stores, and I discovered the top 500 here:

Staples takes the number two slot with approximately $10 billion in sales, which is a surprise to no one.

What the heck is going on here? All of the Ambots who have appeared on my site in the past year have boasted about Amway's $10 billion in sales.

It's possible that they're a little off the mark on the list. Amway, with its $10 billion in annual sales, must be in the running for the second slot behind Staples.

Apple comes in third place with $5 billion.

Oh, my goodness. There has been a significant decrease in price. Double. I'm not sure what happened to Amway and all those ambots who were bragging about their $10 billion. Surely they weren't telling the truth, were they?

Hmm. Amway. Ambots. Liars.

Yes, everything is making sense.

Forget about the drum roll for a moment. All I have to do now is keep scrolling down till I discover Amway.

And down, down, down, down, down, down, down....

They are ranked 28th. On a list with 500 names? I would expect the ambots to be dripping in adoration and boasting about their accomplishments to everyone they know. So, how much does #28 make in terms of sales revenue? $912 million is the total amount.

What happened to the ten billion dollars? This appears to be approximately 9 billion dollars short.

The Amway Corporation, Ambots, and liars

Who is the 501st person? Magnet Street has $11 million in its bank account.

I also attempted a few additional searches, such as the top Internet sales in the world. Walmart is ranked first on those lists, which are typically comprised of roughly 100 items, whereas Amazon is ranked far down the list. There is no sign of Amway or any of its incarnations (Alticor, Quixtar, etc.) everywhere. You'd think that a company with revenues of 10 billion dollars, as those IBOs are always bragging about, would be grouped along with other companies with similar sales.

Hmm. Amway. Ambots. Liars.

I did come across Amway on a list that was a few years old. It was either number 6 or number 8 in terms of sales, although it was not specified.

I get what you're saying. Ambots repeat the words of their cult leaders verbatim. They "replicate" those deceptions. It is circulated by a cult leader that Amway made $10 billion in sales last year, and the gullible cult followers accept it and repeat it over and over again, proudly proclaiming their success.

Obviously, Amway is generating a lot of money by defrauding independent business owners (IBOs) with expensive items, but the entire amount made is unknown, aside from the $912 million.

It is probable that Amway the corporation, with its numerous assets, is worth ten billion dollars. After all, they've had 50 years to tuck away the profits they've made ripping people off, but just because they've accumulated a large sum of money does not imply that it represents their annual sales figures.

You are not a fraudulent, lying Amway IBO who is trying to dazzle others with fictitious numbers, unless you are one.

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