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Monday, September 13, 2021

Amway Creates Hate and Rage

 There is something about Amway that elicits feelings of hatred and wrath in people. Those of us who used to work in "the industry" and have done some research and read various accounts may understand why the craze is sweeping the country right now. Amway, with the support of their cult leaders, is responsible for financial suffering, debt, bankruptcy, divorce, the destruction of relationships, and the emotional wreckage of people.

“I'll just have to kill everyone at Amway,” wrote a recent searcher, who ended up on my blog after typing in the phrase.

I immediately assume that this individual has just gotten off the phone with one of those useless unhelpful bastards who work in Amway's (lack of) customer service department, and that this is the case.

The I-don't-give-a-flying-fuck attitude has helped me deal with a lot of miserable asses in the past. Without a doubt, it has taught me a valuable lesson in frustration and futility.

Amway is a company that I despise. People who are affiliated with Amway are not my favourite people. Customer service representatives at Amway that are lazy asses bastards are not my favourite people. That does not imply that I personally want anyone associated with Amway harm or death, but I like to think of myself as a sensible, law-abiding individual. My losses were just another awful learning opportunity, a dreadful business, and I was just another one of the many thousands who sucked it up and went away.

I can understand how a small number of people could feel that Amway has driven them to the brink of despair. Going postal comes to me when I think about this. If someone is having difficulty with an Amway product or their Amway upline and calls in to head office for assistance and is told "there's nothing we can do for you" or "Amway is not responsible for what is said at Amway meetings" or "Amway is not responsible for the IBO's we hire," they should file a formal complaint with the Better Business Bureau. When you phone into corporate headquarters for assistance, no one seems to give a damn. What do you get from customer service after you've lost a lot of money in the Amway scam? Nothing but "ha ha, we fucked you over!"

Someone expressing the desire to kill everyone at Amway demonstrates emotional instability. After everything Amway has put them through, it's possible that they have a valid point. But what about executing everyone at Amway? Unfortunately, this is not the first time that a searcher has entered parameters that are identical to mine.

There is no difference between those who work for Amway and people who work for other firms. The most prevalent reason people accept jobs and continue to work for them is because they receive a salary. The majority of employees have little or no loyalty to their employer. If a better opportunity arises, they will leave their current position. Certain members of the Amway team believe that only a low-life scum sucking son of a bitch would work for a firm that causes so much suffering around the world, but when individuals have bills to pay and need a job, how are we to judge why they work for a scumbag employer? I already stated in another post that Amway employees are no different than those working for other firms. In most companies, barely 20 percent of employees enjoy their jobs and perform well in their positions, according to surveys. The job is only worth a paycheck to 80 percent of the workforce, and they are merely putting in their time while they wait for something better to come along. For those of us who have had the misfortune of calling Amway's corporate headquarters for assistance and dealing with workers at the customer care desk who don't give a damn and aren't helpful, this is evident. The unhelpful desk or the I-don't-give-a-shit desk should be more appropriately named, as this is something I see frequently in Google searches from people who have arrived at my blog after being frustrated with Amway's help desk. Regardless of the designation, the customer who calls in rarely receives satisfactory service. What else would you have expected? The chances are quite likely that the individual who answers the phone at Amway is one of the 80 percent of employees who couldn't give a shit about their job in the first place.

Many years ago, I had the unfortunate experience of working for a company with a bizarre employee - fortunately, he was in a different department! - who would occasionally erupt into rages. For years, I expressed concern that, in the event he were to lose his job, I would not want to continue working for that particular firm because, to my knowledge, he is the only person I've ever known who I would fear would walk up with a pistol and start shooting. When he was laid off about three months later, I decided to go as well. Though we had never met before and I shook his hand and said goodbye on the last day of his employment, I had my worries about his emotional health, and I have no intention of working for any organisation where my personal safety is a source of concern for me.

In case anyone is interested, the building was sold a few months after I left, and the company amalgamated with another company and relocated about 20 miles away. It's likely that trying to track down anyone would be too confusing for him.

In the same way, I would never work for a controversial corporation that has sparked public outrage and received death threats. You never know when that insane maniac with a gun is going to storm in through the front door.

Amway is receiving search engine traffic from those who wish the company's employees death. Employees at a workplace where people have expressed death desires to them would never be a job candidate for me. Perhaps some of those Amway employees who are surfing the Internet and reading my blog when they should be getting some work done would rethink their decision to work for the company that has sent death threats to their coworkers. There is no job that is worth dying for.

As a language guide, one of my goals is to present points of view that are both useful and fair on a variety of subjects. It is essential to tackle touchy subjects like bigotry and wrath with tact, objectivity, and an unwavering commitment to getting the facts straight. With that out of the way, I'm going to give an outline of the debates that have surrounded Amway, a multi-level marketing firm, and investigate the charges made by individuals who say the company is responsible for fostering anger and hostility.

Amway is a direct marketing corporation that focuses in providing products for personal care, including health, beauty, and housekeeping. It has been in business for more than sixty decades and maintains a presence in more than one hundred nations. Distributors are responsible for both the direct sale of items to end users as well as the recruitment of additional distributors to join their network under the multi-level marketing (MLM) business model that is utilized by the organization.

Those who are opposed to Amway assert that the business breeds an atmosphere of hostility and fury among its distributors as well as its clients. Some former Amway distributors have alleged that they were pressured to prioritize their Amway business above their personal ties, which resulted in strained relationships with friends and family members who were not interested in the business opportunity. Other former Amway distributors have said that they were not pressured to prioritize their Amway business over their personal relationships.

Other detractors believe that Amway fosters a cult-like attitude among its distributors by placing more of an emphasis on the recruitment and maintenance of distributors than it does on the actual sale of products. According to these detractors, Amway's training and motivational materials foster an atmosphere of insularity and mistrust of individuals from the outside world by placing an emphasis on the significance of loyalty to the firm and its executives.

Along with these complaints, Amway has been subjected to legal challenges over the course of its history. The decision that Amway was not a pyramid scam but rather a legitimate multi-level marketing organization was made by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 1979. However, since that time, the corporation has been subjected to a large number of legal challenges, including allegations of engaging in unfair business practices and misleading advertising.

It is vital to evaluate these assertions with a critical eye despite the fact that it is evident that there are critics of Amway who believe that the firm is responsible for the creation of hatred and wrath. It is possible that some Amway distributors have had unfavorable experiences with the company, just as it is possible for any business to have unsatisfied customers or employees. This is because it is possible for any organization to fail to meet the expectations of its customers or employees.

While this is true, it is essential to keep in mind that not all Amway distributors have the same pessimistic outlook on the company. Many people have had excellent experiences with the company and believe that it has provided them with valuable possibilities for personal and professional progress. These people are of the belief that the company has provided them with these opportunities.

In conclusion, despite the fact that there are undoubtedly valid arguments against Amway and the ways in which it does business, it is essential to examine these assertions with an objective and analytical mindset. It is likely that some people have had poor experiences with the firm, but it is also vital to note that not all Amway distributors share similar views. It is feasible that some people have had negative encounters with the company. In the end, customers should conduct their own study and come to their own conclusions about whether or not they would like to engage in the business opportunity offered by Amway.

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