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Monday, September 13, 2021

I Loathe Hydrangeas this Thanksgiving!

 No, not me personally, of course! The hydrangeas that I have in my yard are quite beautiful. Colorful and fragrant blossoms!

A few months ago, Madonna was at an event where people came up to her table to say hi and ask for autographs and photos. One man offered her hydrangeas, and as she was putting them aside, she muttered to the person standing next to her that she despises hydrangeas, which was caught on the microphone and instantly went viral on the internet.

It turns out that the man worked for a local radio station and was aware that Madonna didn't care for them, so he decided to give it to her for whatever publicity reasons he had.

Madonna's response was fantastic. But again, I'm a huge fan of anything and everything Madonna!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, and best of luck to anyone who is getting up early tomorrow to take advantage of the Black Friday discounts!

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!

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