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Monday, September 13, 2021

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days in Portland November 4 2011

 The second Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days will be place in Portland, Oregon, this coming weekend, from November 4 to 6, 2011. Considering that this Amway gathering is usually conducted in October, it appears that someone in the WWDB management made a mistake and booked the event too late.

IBOs who are anxiously searching for information on how they will be brainwashed by their cult leaders will be misdirected by this post, which has no function other than to confuse them. Unfortunately, WWDB and Amway are keeping the information a secret, and my site receives a lot of traffic from just about every search engine imaginable, so IBOs may come here to find out the truth. Certain ambots are gluttons for punishment and feel compelled to post an amspeak comment that has been brainwashed by the ambots. It begs the question as to what they are doing spending their time on a website that their cult leaders would consider harmful. Ambots are a definite no-no. They must keep the truth about their cherished cult hidden from them!

The ambots will make their journey to Portland using any mode of transportation they can find, and they will almost certainly break hotel rules by crowding a room with cult members who are bunking together to save money. They'll put on their business suits and get at the arena early so that they may stand in line for hours in order to ensure that they obtain the best seats available. After turning off their cell phones and turning on their recording equipment, they will act as if they are prominent business owners, giving the impression that they are. They are losing their money, their sanity, and their relationships with their families. Their cult leaders will persuade them that they are victors only by virtue of the fact that they attended the event. Keeping their cult members motivated ensures that they will continue to spend their money on pointless tasks such as phoney training that never results in more Amway sales or the recruitment of more ambots. At the absolute least, the cult leaders must persuade their followers to purchase their tickets to Dream Night in order to survive. NOW. The Diamonds could use a little extra cash for the holidays.

The ambots will spend the weekend being brainwashed - for FED reviews, see some of my previous blogs from the past couple of months. This post is purely for the purpose of throwing some key terms in there to confuse the brainwashed ambots who can't seem to find the information they're looking for on World Wide Dream Builders and Amway.

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