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Monday, September 13, 2021

If You Dream It You Can Have It

 "If you can dream it, you can have it," was one of the ridiculous statements I used to hear during Amway seminars.

Amway is a company that sells dreams of prosperity and selfishness. Instills hope in the hearts of cult members that the phrase they are chanting will come true for them.

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it” seems like a tagline for the Powerball lottery, rather than a general statement. In all likelihood, your chances of becoming an Amway Diamond are better than your chances of winning the lottery.

Unfortunately, this weekend at FED, many ambots are being told something to the effect of "If you can dream anything, you can have it." Unfortunately, this is not the case. This will be drilled into them again and over again until they are trained to believe that Amway is the only way for them to achieve their goals and fulfil their potential.

There are a variety of things I fantasise about, but I am well aware that these fantasies will never come true.

I can fantasise about being a few inches shorter, but that is never going to happen.

I can fantasise about being proficient in five languages, but given how difficult it is for me to communicate well in English, I doubt that goal will ever come true for me.

I can imagine myself scaling Mount Everest, but I will not be able to do so since I have difficulty breathing at high heights.

I've always wanted to walk around the Grand Canyon Skywalk, but the thought of doing so makes me feel uncomfortable.

I have the ability to fantasise. Despite the fact that I am 25 years old once more, I do not believe this will ever happen!

I've always wanted to camp on Alcatraz, but I'm not sure the Parks Service will let me to do so.

I've fantasised of having spiders as pets, but the thought of having them would make me cringe even worse than the skywalk!

I have a fantasy that I am married to Brad Pitt. Who knows what will happen? I might be able to squeeze that in before I pass away!

In essence, there are many things that people can dream of, and those aspirations will never come true, regardless of whether or not money is a barrier to achievement. The majority of the things I stated can be accomplished on a budget. I believe the Everest trip will cost a lot of money, but finances aside, no matter how much I fantasise about standing on the summit, I would arrive at the base camp and be unable to continue the climb.

In their dreams, what do ambots motivated by avarice fantasise about? Big houses, sports cars, sailboats, and luxurious vacations are all on the menu. These are the things their Diamond cult leaders use to make fun of them on stage. The ambots are envious of what their cult leaders possess. They fantasise of becoming a Diamond, which is a very unusual occurrence in Amway, and having a plethora of resources at their disposal. No way in hell. Diamonds has a yearly revenue of around $150,000, according to Amway's own literature. However, they must pay taxes and have a large mortgage on their property, which they spent far too much money on, as well as loans for those expensive sports cars that they lust over. They spend a lot of money in order to maintain the false impression that they have more money than they actually have.

However desperately Amway bots want to accumulate all these material belongings and retire early while Amway's residual money continues to flow, this is unlikely to happen in their lifetime. It is possible that this will occur if they concentrate their efforts on something that has a bigger likelihood of success than a 1 percent chance of success.

The saying "If you can dream it, you can achieve it" has been embedded in our minds. Amway being shut down permanently is the only thing I can think about right now, so that this wicked corporation and its horrible cult leaders couldn't do any more harm to anyone.

So, what are your thoughts? The Diamonds stated that if I could only dream it, I could achieve it.

In other words, is this just more evidence that the Diamonds are a bunch of liars?

Discovering the Power of Dreams and Manifestation in the Context of "If You Dream It, You Can Have It"


The idea that our goals can become a reality if we believe in them with sufficient fervor is at the heart of the proverb "If you dream it, you can have it." The concept of "If you dream it, you can have it" is based on this premise. The proponents of this ideology contend that our ideas, intentions, and the way in which we visualize our wishes can have an effect on the universe and cause it to bring those desires into our life. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the power of dreams and manifestation, focusing on the variables that are responsible for their actualization as well as the potential barriers that may stand in the way.

The power of belief The phrase "dream it, have it" is based on the idea that if you can envision it, you can achieve it. Advocates argue that when we have genuine faith in our goals and ambitions, we bring our thoughts, feelings, and deeds into alignment with those goals and ambitions. This alignment generates a positive energy, which in turn draws to us opportunities, resources, and people who can assist us in making our dreams come true. We are able to triumph over challenges, maintain our concentration, and endure in the pursuit of our objectives if we cultivate a strong belief in our capabilities and ambitions.

Affirmations and Visualization: Visualization is a method that is frequently used in the process of bringing one's dreams into reality. Visualizing oneself successfully attaining one's goals and going through the range of feelings that come along with those successes is required. By consistently envisioning our goals and aspirations, we may strengthen the conviction that they are attainable and convey a distinct message to our subconscious mind about what it is that we want to bring into existence. Affirmations, which are positive phrases that represent our ideal reality, are another tool for reprogramming our subconscious mind and reinforcing a positive mindset that is congruent with our goals.

Goal-Setting and Taking Action While daydreaming and seeing one's future is essential, it is also necessary to have specific objectives and a plan for taking action. The transformation of aspirations into workable objectives begins with the formulation of goals that are distinct, quantifiable, and grounded in reality. It is absolutely vital to take constant action towards achieving these goals if one wishes to make progress and generate the necessary momentum. Without taking action, dreams will stay nothing more than daydreams. Individuals can establish a powerful framework for the manifestation of their dreams by integrating goal setting, affirmations, and visualizations with the setting of goals and taking action.

The Part Played by Passion and Purpose Passion and purpose are the gasoline that drive the process of manifestation. We are able to tap into a deep source of motivation and resolve when we are profoundly connected to our dreams, when we are driven by a sense of purpose, and when we are genuinely enthusiastic about our aspirations. This enthusiasm not only keeps us moving forward when things are difficult, but it also draws like-minded people and chances that can assist and enrich our journey towards our dreams.

Conquering Limiting Beliefs and Obstacles Although the idea that "If you dream it, you can have it" encourages an optimistic approach, it is vital to recognise and handle the potential restrictions and challenges that may arise. This can be accomplished by overcoming the limiting beliefs that people hold about themselves. Beliefs that are limiting, self-doubt, as well as external barriers, can all stand in the way of our advancement. Individuals need to build their self-awareness, confront and reframe the negative ideas that hold them back, seek guidance from mentors or coaches, and develop the resilience and adaptability necessary to navigate through the challenges that they face.

Finding a Balance Between Ideals and Realities Although it is necessary to have lofty goals and to have faith in the power of manifestation, it is also essential to keep a balanced viewpoint at all times. The world we live in, the talents we have, and the resources we have at our disposal should all inform our dreams. A preoccupation with monetary rewards to an unhealthy degree and unrealistic expectations can both contribute to feelings of disappointment and frustration. We can construct a harmonious strategy for the materialization of our wishes if we can strike a balance between our lofty aspirations and the reality of the situation.

The idea that "If you dream it, you can have it" taps into the enormous power of the human mind and the potential to create our reality via intention, belief, visualization, and action. This is why the expression "If you dream it, you can have it" is so powerful. Even if dreams on their own are not enough to bring about personal development, achievement, and fulfillment, when joined with concentrated work, a strong belief system, and a defined path, dreams can serve as potent catalysts for personal development. Individuals can release their full potential and build the life they envisage for themselves by embracing the power of their dreams and the realization of those dreams.

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