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Monday, September 13, 2021

Why I Can't Stand Our Upline

 I thought I'd go over some of the reasons why I didn't like for our upline. As a result of my upline's influence, I developed a strong dislike for Amway and anything associated with it. This is based on my personal experiences, but there are far too many stories like this on the Internet. That tells me that I am not an outlier! No matter how talented I believe myself to be! It's a joke, of course!

The first is that our sponsor is one of the biggest jerks I have ever met! It is someone who Ambot has known for many years: our sponsor, also known as Captain Fuck Up or the arrogant prick. The most useless piece of shit and the most sorry excuse for occupying space on the world that anyone could ever imagine exists in the form of him. His other finer features include being unreliable, reckless, throwing temper tantrums, and being asshole-ugly as a result of his arrogance. Then it's all downhill from there! If you are sponsored into Amway by a rotten, evil, evil ass fucker like him, you are making a terrible mistake. Existing issues with this jerk ass have just become more worse. It was a terrible mistake to get involved in anything - whether it was Amway or anything else - with a miserable person like him, with whom I'd never wanted anything to do in the first place. The resentment only intensifies.

2. There is a monetary loss. We'd already tried our hand at the Amway business before. I was well aware of what was about to take place. A lot of money would be wasted on items that I don't care for and won't utilise if we spent our money on them. We'd spend even more money on various instruments to "build our business," as well as on all of the other expenses that come with travelling to out-of-state functions many times a year for business. Ambot would either run out of money or become disenchanted again if I was lucky, and our losses would be limited to a few thousand dollars at the most. If I was unfortunate, my losses would be in the tens of thousands of dollars range. I estimate that I will be able to invest $700 each month into the Amway horror. The question is, how many people have that kind of spare cash floating around? If this is not the case, refer to number 3.

3. Getting into financial trouble. As in Ambot's case, this could be a result of credit card debt. Other people take out second mortgages on their homes or take out lines of credit to supplement their income. IBOs are borrowing money to support their upline's ambitions in whichever way you look at it, and many former IBOs have lost their homes and filed for bankruptcy because they were unable to repay the money they borrowed to participate in the fantastic Amway opportunity.

4. There is a loss of time. Don't believe the hype about Ambot putting in 10 to 15 hours a week; the truth is that he put in far more than that! A directive from his upline instructed him to prospect every person he came into contact with and inform them about this fantastic home-based business where everyone can earn at least $70,000 per year in their spare time. It's a joke, of course! No one we knew, including ourselves, was involved! In the end, Ambot's objective consisted in pleading with everyone we knew and didn't know to attend a board plan meeting, all the while denying that it had anything to do with Amway or the company. He talked to his upline for hours on the phone and over text messages. Every week, two or three board plans are held at various downlines and crosslines, or a major event where a Diamond comes to town once or twice a month may be held at the same location. For these encounters, a lowball estimate of 5 hours per night is given. Weekend rallies are held approximately once a month, during which a Diamond travels to the city and new pins are awarded. It all depends on whether it's a one-day or two-day event. Assume a minimum of 10 hours, however this might be increased to twice the time. Every year, events such as Family Reunion, Free Enterprise Days, and Spring Leadership seem to be conducted hundreds of kilometres away from home. Several hours of driving each way, followed by at least 30 hours of commitments for weekend activities. Moreover, this is a cautious estimate. In terms of real hours, I'd estimate that I spent a minimum of 100 hours on Amway and the fucking upline's demands. Until Ambot achieves significant success in Amway, regular human activities such as birthdays, weddings, spending time with family and friends, trips, vacations, shopping and other activities will be off limits until Ambot achieves significant success in Amway. As it turns out, I neglected to note the absence of assistance with home duties.

5. The upline was something I couldn't stand. However, I know that this aversion is more directly linked to a general hatred of our asshole sponsor and any of the individuals with whom he may associate than it is to a specific dislike of him. But I gradually came to despise our upline, especially when things got out of hand and they started monopolising Ambot's time without his permission. In addition to money. In addition to money. In addition to money. And money. Oh, and did I forget to add money? But basically, I was irritated by all of the garbage that was spewing out of our upline's mouths at the time. I didn't want anything to do with those filthy frauds in the first place.

6. The practise of brainwashing. This is a part of our upline's effort to keep Ambot away from "bad" influences in his life, which included me due to my disinterest in Amway and our upline's products and services. One of the most bizarre aspects of our experience was that our upline was comprised of the most pessimistic bastards in the business, spreading their prophecies of doom and gloom and suffering, and that the only way to escape this dreadful existence was to join the Amway organisation. Because of our relationship with World Wide Destructive Bastards, I was part of a sponsorship line that exploited independent business owners and used cult-like brainwashing techniques, so fuck you WWDB! Ambot had ceased thinking for himself and was simply repeating what his superiors had stated. In the beginning, Ambot believed everything his upline claimed to be true. As time went on, he grew so conditioned to believe what his upline told him to believe, there was no way in hell he would ever accept that the information he received from his beloved upline could be incorrect. He refused to acknowledge what was happening to him and his life, and, under the sway of his upline's brainwashing, he distanced himself from reality.

7. The use of deception. Whatever you choose to call it, all IBO's are guilty of deceiving others. Our upline consisted of standard Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) - a bunch of lying bastards. Our group members lied about their involvement with Amway, their level of success, and any potential abuses that were taking place in our group. Despite the fact that the upline had been told the truth about the tool fraud and how the greedy Diamonds were concerned with gaining money at the expense of their downline, the upline refused to trust the great lie. When it came to prospecting, Ambot wasn't very good because he'd break down quickly and tell prospects that this was Amway, and then he'd lie and say that everything was going extremely well. All independent business owners (IBOs) are trained to say this, despite the fact that none of them is making money from their Amway firm. It's quite infuriating to listen to Ambot lie about his income while I was well aware that he was not generating any money from the Amway programme. As we all know, the inverse was true in this case. Thousands of dollars have been lost.

Adding everything together, these are the reasons why I couldn't stand our upline and/or Amway, which resulted in tension in our relationship.

I despised hearing from misled independent business owners (IBOs) who repeated the upline's line of reasoning and declared, "That's because there is already something wrong with your marriage/relationship." When a spouse expresses disinterest in anything to do with Amway, this is the traditional response.

But not a single one of those filthy IBOs can explain why there were no problems prior to Amway entering the scene in the first place.

There was nothing but troublemakers on our upline when we looked at them!

An Exposure of My Frustrations and Worries Regarding Our Upline This is Why I Can't Stand Our Upline


Being a part of an organization that engages in network marketing or multi-level marketing (often known as MLM) can present an exciting chance for personal development as well as financial success. However, the success of these endeavors is highly dependent on the assistance and direction provided by the upline. The upline consists of those persons who sponsor and mentor others who are lower down in the hierarchy. Regrettably, not all uplines are made equal, and there are circumstances in which a person may discover that they are unable to stand their own upline. In this essay, we look into the many different reasons why someone would feel this way, providing light on the frustrations and concerns that are typically linked with poor uplines.

Failure to give Downline with Adequate assistance and Clear Communication Failing to give downline with adequate assistance and clear communication is one of the key obligations of an upline. However, the inability of an upline to meet these fundamental responsibilities is one of the most common causes of dissatisfaction with that upline. Inadequate communication and support from an upline can be the source of frustration for the entire team as well as a barrier to the expansion of the team as a whole. This dissatisfaction can be caused by the upline's failure to respond to questions or concerns raised by their downline, their failure to provide direction, or their general disrespect for the challenges experienced by their downline.

In a multi-level marketing (MLM) business, success is often judged by either hitting specified sales targets or recruiting new members. However, this can lead to a misalignment of priorities. Regrettably, some uplines place their personal concerns and objectives ahead of the health and prosperity of their downlines, which may be detrimental to both parties. This self-centered approach can present itself in a variety of ways, such as putting pressure on team members to fulfill sales quotas that are unrealistic or focusing entirely on recruiting without providing enough training or resources. Both of these examples are bad examples. A poisonous environment is created as a result of such behavior, which not only limits the potential of the team but also encourages hostility toward the upline.

Integrity Flaws: Integrity is essential in any business connection, and multi-level marketing firms are not exempt from this requirement. Unfortunately, some uplines engage in unethical actions, which degrade their reputation and erode confidence within the team. These practices should be avoided at all costs. This could involve advertising dubious products or making misleading claims about the earnings potential offered by the MLM system. When a person in a position of authority does not have integrity, it is difficult to respect or trust their leadership, which can result in strained relationships and a sense of disillusionment.

Inadequate Training and mentoring One of the most important responsibilities of an upline is to ensure that the people in their downline receive adequate training and mentoring. On the other hand, many uplines fall short in this regard, leaving their team members with the impression that they are not well prepared to be successful. Whether it's due to a lack of expertise, restricted availability, or a disrespect for the development of their downline, uplines who fail to provide the essential tools and advice can hinder the growth and potential of the members of their team. This can happen for a number of different reasons.

Toxic Leadership Traits and Manipulation Sadly, some uplines exhibit toxic leadership traits, and they attain their aims through the use of manipulation and coercion. Among these practices are the development of a culture of fear among team members, the use of unethical decision-making pressure, and the use of personal relationships for the sake of financial gain. This kind of behavior not only undermines the dynamic of the team, but it also has the potential to significantly affect the mental health of the individuals who are participating.

In spite of the fact that an upline should ideally serve as a source of motivation, direction, and support for their team members, the fact of the matter is that not all uplines have these traits. A lack of communication and support, misaligned priorities, a lack of integrity, poor training and mentorship, and toxic leadership practices are often the root causes of frustrations and worries regarding uplines. Individuals working in multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations need to be aware of these problems in order to make educated judgments regarding their participation in the organization and to look for other options or solutions to reduce the negative impact generated by a problematic upline. In the end, it is necessary for the success of the MLM structure, as well as for the well-being of everyone involved, to cultivate an atmosphere within the MLM that is supportive of individuals and empowers them.

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