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Monday, September 13, 2021

Who In The Room is a Brown Noser?

 Every organisation I've ever worked for had at least one "brown noser" in the group, and that was always the case.

To clarify, that brown noser individual was never me, in case anyone is wondering. That's not like there could possibly be any doubt about it!

I'm confident that we've all seen them. The guy who is following the boss around with a notebook and pen in hand, ready to jot down anything the boss is saying at any time. Offering to rush to Starbuck's and purchase a cup of coffee for the boss. The first person to inform the employer of what his or her coworkers are doing or not doing is known as the whistleblower. Staying late for no additional compensation in order to assist the employer in completing a project. There is a good chance that no matter how far they stick their noses up the boss's arse, they will not receive a significant promotion or raise. However, they will gain a reputation as a person who cannot be relied upon within the organisation.

Every Amway meeting I attend, I can easily identify the brown nosers by looking around the room. That would include almost everyone in attendance, with the exception of me, of course. Even Ambot was a snorer, to be honest.

What qualifications do you need to be an Amway brown noser?

In a coffee shop, the ambots would virtually knock each other over for the privilege of purchasing something for the sack of crap Platinum, who was there at the time of the meeting. For fuck's sake, if this lying bag of crap is earning the type of money he claims to be making in Amway, he should be able to afford to purchase a cup of coffee for everyone in the shop, wouldn't you think?

Accepting the offer to drive the top-tier executives anywhere they need to go.

Standing on a street corner, anticipating the arrival of the upline for the meeting, I was filled with anticipation.

If it's raining, you'll be holding an umbrella for the upline. What exactly is the problem with the upline's arms?

Holding a video camera or another type of recording device in front of their upline's face in order not to miss any valuable information they may share.

People are being knocked over in order to get to the front row of the auditorium, where they may be as close to the Diamond's magnificence as possible.

Running on stage after the Diamond has finished speaking to show their appreciation and admiration for achieving where he is today through abusing and cheating his downline.

Following through on all their upline has instructed them to accomplish.

Offering to lend a hand around the upline's residence at no fee

Never miss a single Amway meeting or event in your life.

Dropping by the upline's house for no other reason than to be near to them is considered rude. As well as for the bragging rights of having gotten one over on the IBOs who aren't present.

If they are summoned, they should drop what they are doing and run to the top of the organisation.

Kissing the ass of the upline in order to get their nose even higher up in the hierarchy.

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