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Monday, September 13, 2021

No Sale on Amway Mansion Yet

 There doesn't appear to be any progress on the mansion that the Puryears bought with the money they earned by duping unsuspecting ambots into purchasing pricey Amway stuff and worthless books and CDs, at least not yet.,520,waterfront

The purchase price was originally set at $20 million. When they reduced the price by I believe 2 million dollars, they decreased it again. It has now been resting at just under $15,995,000 for quite some time while my former bag of sh*t Platinum works hard to save up the funds from scamming his downline so that he can get it. It's possible that I'll be on the market for quite some time while waiting for that to happen!

People, it's all about where you are. Identifying a qualified buyer is the first step. The next step is to identify a buyer who is interested in living on a mosquito-infested river in Idaho.

Where has this young British heiress who purchased Aaron Spelling's property for $150 million not been approached by the Puryears? There's someone out there with a few extra dollars to spend.

To be sure, living in Beverly Hills is a world apart from living by the Spokane River in the middle of the Pacific Northwest. Let's take a look at Beverly Hills, which boasts Hollywood stars, mansions, nightlife, and nice weather all year. Potatoes, mosquitoes, and sometimes very harsh winters are all found along the Spokane River.

I checked around to see if there was anything else available for the same amount, $15,995,000, and I came on a property in Paradise Valley, Arizona. Valley/5636-e-mockingbird-ln:7dbac43cd21d86678ab75980abf630a7

We're having a conversation now. Compared to other states, Arizona is more centrally positioned and offers quicker access to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Warmer than hell in the winter and hotter than hell in the summer!

Aside from that, I chose this residence for a different purpose. The box office and a terrifying guy are located in the theatre room, which can be found by scrolling through the photos and looking for it. When the last Amway salesperson knocked on the house, he was attempting to sell them soap, and the homeowner killed him and packed his body before mounting it in the ticket booth, I like to assume it was him.

It's like they say at Amway meetings all the time: "dream......"

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