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Monday, September 13, 2021

Ambot Mission - Seek and Destroy!

 At the time we were in Amway, it looked to me that the only thing the ambots in our upline were interested in doing was wrecking the lives of other people. Of course, they were all doing it under the pretence of "helping" others.

Yes, we're assisting them in their plight!

It makes no difference if you are an Independent Business Owner (IBO) who has been involved in Amway for a few months or many years. Either way, you're going to lose a lot of money. There has a 99 percent failure rate. According to Amway's own literature, less than a third of one percent of independent business owners (IBOs) generate money. Anyone associated with Amway will almost certainly be losing money, and they will almost certainly be bitter about it. However, they must maintain a positive attitude at all times. The deception. The business is doing well. To demonstrate their point, they will take out a credit card and purchase some new toys, such as a music sound system. If I wasn't doing well in Amway, I couldn't afford to do this. Make a fool of yourself until you make it!

I met a lot of furious people while working with Amway, despite the fact that they put on fake grins and behaved like nothing was wrong whenever there was a newcomer to the organisation. However, they were enraged. Because of their Amway cult leaders' brainwashing, they were encouraged to spend a lot of money on Amway items, motivational books and CDs, tickets to functions, travel fees associated with functions, and, if they didn't have any spare cash on hand, to go into debt. Additionally, ambots were required to furnish their homes with attractive items and purchase nice business clothes, as well as to do all in their power to express to others their level of accomplishment. Make another trip to the bank using your credit card!

Ambots were causing financial losses and incurring debt in the process, all in the name of Amway. This was made possible by their upline cult leaders, who persuaded them that this was the only way to become financially successful in Amway. It may be difficult in the beginning, but once the money starts rolling in, the large bucks from residual income will continue to flow in indefinitely and steadily.

Meanwhile, ambots are so enraged by their financial losses that they become exceedingly enraged with people who own goods that they do not possess. As long as you're involved with Amway, you won't be able to purchase a great automobile or a home. The upline cult leaders dictate how you should spend your money, and you damn well better spend it on anything and everything that has anything to do with Amway!

In their rage, ambots look for other people who they can financially devastate as well. It's necessary to suck in some other poor bastards in the desperate hope that one or two downline members or clients may be able to assist them in recovering part of their money. Consequently, they lie and tell you that everything is lovely and Amway is fantastic, and that you should come and join us on the road to financial freedom. And once you join my downline, if you have anything that I don't already have, I'm going to take it away from you immediately!

Our upline Platinum (and most likely everyone between us and him) was enraged that I drove a car that was a year or two newer. Outraged! This item was purchased in cash before we joined Amway, thus I did not incur any financial obligations as a result of doing so. The car was completely mine, no questions asked. It's just a vehicle to me. In terms of emotional attachment, I don't have any strong feelings toward it. Even automobile shopping is not something I enjoy doing. I keep the car in good condition both inside and out by performing regular oil changes and tune-ups, as well as performing other necessary maintenance. It is dependable and appears to be in good condition, almost as if it were brand new, and it serves my needs. How dare I have a better car than the rest of my Amway upline, in the eyes of our company's executive leadership. I'm not even kidding!!! Other upline bastards are seen driving around in rusted-out clunkers that are constantly on the road breaking down. My wife and I were advised to sell my car, spend a few hundred dollars, and purchase a 30 year old luxury car clunker, with the remaining money being used to purchase Amway things.

Platinum, you're a pile of shit, you know that. Fuck you, you cretin. Would you mind if I quit Amway while keeping my car?

The fact that we possessed a home was another factor that enraged our upper-level management. We gathered money for a down payment on our first home over a number of years and made the purchase. Isn't it what responsible individuals do, after all? The events described above occurred long before we were associated with Amway. As life continues and requirements change, individuals sell their homes and use the equity to acquire a new one, which is how we ended up in our current home, which we purchased prior to becoming engaged with Amway International. The ambots on the upline were furious! We have the audacity to own a home when almost no one in our upline does! So, how are those filthy ambots going to be able to take our home away from us? You got it! A second mortgage or a line of credit against the equity in our home was recommended, and we were told to spend this money on more Amway junk and "invest in your business." We followed their advice. Continue to do so until you are unable to repay the loan and make your mortgage payments, at which point the bank will foreclose. It's all part of our plan, after all. You won't be able to have what we don't have since you haven't earned the right to do so yet!

You sack of shit Platinum and the rest of you fucking upline bastards are correct, you sack of shit Consider this: what if I quit Amway and don't lose my house?

Ambots who are enraged and jealous. Getting involved in the Amway cult is just another one of life's joys that you have to put up with in order to succeed.

You can't have what we don't have, and if you have it when you come into Amway, we will confiscate it! The ambot's task is complete. Go in search of and demolish!!!

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