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Monday, September 13, 2021

How To Ruin An Amway Meeting

 It's a joke, of course! Someone came to my site after searching for "how to wreck an Amway meeting" on Google and ended up here. Another searcher inquired about how to derail an Amway meeting a few days later, and I responded with some advice. I'll bite my tongue now. This sounds like a lot of fun to me!

When I think back on all of the evenings that were spoiled because I was attending an Amway meeting, I believe it is only right to repay the favour!

Our sack of shit Platinum and I were the only individuals I knew who had a negative attitude about being forced to attend an Amway meeting for a long period of time. During every meeting I attended, the Platinum would complain and whine about how he was foregoing time with his family and doing things he wanted to do in order to talk to us about the Amway business opportunity. Yeah, I can pout and sulk over the same stuff as everyone else. I'm foregoing time with my family in order to hear him speak about Amway. And I'm not interested in listening to him talk about Amway, for the same reason. I'd rather be somewhere else doing things I enjoy rather than sitting here listening to him spew lies and garbage at my expense. So, right away, there are two of us in the same room, both of us with negative views toward our presence there since we have more important and worthwhile things to do than attend an Amway presentation.

Here are some suggestions for how to wreck an Amway meeting.

Before the meeting starts, inquire as to whether or not this has anything to do with Amway. Continue to inquire and prevent the meeting from getting begun until you receive a response. If someone is honest enough to disclose that it is Amway, inform them that you will be departing from the company.

Arrive late to the meeting. It would be ideal if you could arrive after 8:30pm or 9pm. Make a lot of noise as you walk to your seat and say hello to other individuals.

When the speaker begins to complain about having to sacrifice time with his family in order to speak to the audience, rise to your feet and say the same thing back at him. “I'm foregoing time with my family in order to hear you speak. And so far, I'm not impressed with what I'm hearing! The devil you and I would have done anything to have both stayed at home!”

Keep your cell phone turned on. Every meeting begins with an introduction of the jackass who will be speaking that night, followed by a request for the audience to switch off their phones by some ambot in a monkey suit. Make a prior arrangement with someone to call approximately 8:30 p.m. Let's Get Drunk and Screw by Jimmy Buffett should be the ringtone on your cell phone now. And, yeah, I did double-check. That ringtone is available for download! Go ahead and have a discussion with whoever called and observe the shocked faces of the brainwashed ambots who surround you as they respond in horror. Someone has the audacity to call their cult leader and show disrespect for them!

When the meeting has gone on for around 15 minutes, get up and declare, "I'm bored." “I'm getting out of here.”

"You're a bunch of fucking liars!" you should scream from the rooftops.

"No one wants to listen to this terrible garbage!" yells the speaker.

Take a deep breath and say, "I've got better things to do." After that, simply walk away.

Start making crude jokes about yourself.

Simply stand up and announce, "I'm going on a McDonald's run, just as the meeting is about to begin." We'll see you soon!”

Start moaning about how uncomfortable the chair you're sitting in is to you.

In addition to these, I'm sure there are plenty other methods to destroy an Amway meeting. Because Amway meetings have damaged so many people's life, I believe it is acceptable to seek retribution.

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