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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dinosaur Business Model Or Cutting Edge?

 I was prompted to write this article after receiving a recent comment. The question was whether or not some groups still used voicemail, and as far as I know, they do, not because it's so important to the Amway business, but because it was a big money maker for the diamonds when they were first introduced. I was once told by a former higher-up former pin that a diamond can make several to ten dollars per voicemail subscription. Furthermore, diamonds typically have a downline of several thousand or more people.

When I was an IBO, we actually had to call our upline once a week to order things, and then we had to pick them up on a different day. Amway has made the switch to direct shipping, but the rest of the company's operations appear to be the same as they were many years ago. The concept that Amway eliminates the middle man is still the selling point, whether in person or through social media platforms. Amway, on the other hand, creates middlemen. Customers would order directly from Amway if this were not the case.

Why on earth would anyone require an antiquated voicemail system in this day and age, especially with new technology such as Facebook Live, Zoom, and Google Meets? It has been brought to my attention that some diamonds use Zoom or other holding functions while charging full price. So take a moment to reflect. If diamonds truly succeeded by assisting downline members in their endeavours, why would you be required to pay full price for a feature that costs next to nothing to implement? Why not pass along that information to your subordinates and reap the benefits of their success?

The answer is self-evident. The upline diamonds' success is based in part on their ability to schlep pointless archaic methods and systems to the finish line in time for handsome profits. Even the most tried and true methods, such as buying from oneself, have been tried and tested for decades with little to no success to report. Upline used to say, "Take a look at the fruit on the branch." Amway gained momentum in the 1990s, thanks to the introduction of some new diamonds. Amway, on the other hand, appears to have fallen on hard times in the last 5-7 years.

However, it appears that little has changed in the overall picture over the years. I'm not aware of any ground-breaking new products at this time. No new innovations have been introduced by upline diamonds, and there does not appear to be a significant increase in the number of new diamonds, at least not in North America. Amway appears to be a dinosaur attempting to compete in a technologically advanced world. No word on whether upline is still pushing religious overtones and politics at functions, but leopards don't change their spots, so who am I to question them?

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