Grabill, Parker & Cindy Amway
Affiliation Diamonds Gulick & Jackie are Executive Diamonds in the United States with InterNET and IDA Avelsgaard, Tom & Caryn are Diamonds in Australia with IDA
- Broad, Winston, and Joy, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Bichard, David, and Sue, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Sword, Malcom, and Christina, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Brier-Mills, Peter, and Cathie, Diamond, Australia, International Diamond Association
- Chatham, Trevor, and Jo, Executive Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Clark, Michael, and Jenny, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Martin, Peter, and Kate, Diamond, Australia, and the International Development Agency
- John Hargreaves and Denise Hargreaves, Diamond, Australia, IDA
- Skehan, Phil, and Gerry, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- McDermott, Ian, and Vaula, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Pentti, Harri, and Pia, Diamond, Finland, and InterNET are the names of the companies.
- Nissinen, Anne, and Petri, Diamond, Finland, are featured on the InterNET.
- Shack, Peter & Pauline, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Maddison, Peter, and Lynne, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Hudgell, Craig, and Jaynie, Diamond, Australia, International Diamond Association
- Deane, Craig, and Anna, Double Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Bradley, David, and Melody, Diamond, New Zealand, International Development Agency
- Levy, Brian, and Lorraine, Diamond, New Zealand, International Development Agency
- Peter and Helen McKenna, the Australian diamond miner Diamond, the International Development Agency (IDA), and Team MAK
- Beauchamp, James & Wendy, Diamond, Australia, IDA, and Team MAK are some of the names that come to mind.
- Grace, Peter, and Beth, Diamond, Australia, the IDA, and the rest of the team MAK
- Swaffield, Julie, Diamond, Australia, and the International Development Agency (IDA)
- Lisa Smart, Diamond, Australia, and the International Development Agency (IDA)
- Duck, Graham, and Celia, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Smart, Bill, and Briony, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Light, Peter & Ginny, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agency
- Kingston, Geoff, and Jenny, Diamond, Australia, International Development Agenc
- The IDA LOS is a partnership between Brian Potts and Gillian Potts.
- Pyne, Lindsay, and Pam, of Diamond, Australia, are members of IDA LOS.
- McCulloch, Leigh, and Cathy, Diamond, Australia, IDA LOS (International Development Assistance for Local Organizations).
- Racing, Paul and Karen Racovallis and Karen Racovallis, Diamond, Australia, IDA LOS
- TIF, Betterman, Gerry, Diamond, United States, United Nations, United Nations, TIF, Terminated
- Jakubik, Mike, and Lynn, Diamond, United States, TIF, and Terminated, respectively
- Plauck, Dennis, and Lori, Diamond, United States, TIF, and TIF Termination
- John and Susan Haagen, Diamond, United States, TIF, Terminated
- Doug and Julie Cassens, Diamond, United States, TIF, Terminated