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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Jones, Jim & Julie Amway

 Is "keeping up with the Joneses" just a catchphrase, or is there more to it? At the time of their initial introduction to the Amway Business in 1977, Jim and Julie Jones were living a lifestyle that most people could only dream of. 

His earnings placed him in the top 5% of all Florida attorneys in terms of earnings. She had previously worked as a qualified nurse before she and her husband started their family. 

They were active in a number of different enterprises during the time. They completed the construction of their dream home before turning thirty. Both of them were pilots. 

They learned to ski while travelling through Europe. They had a great day on the greatest beaches. The expression "keeping up with the Joneses" was undoubtedly appropriate. 

However, not everything was as it appeared. Despite the fact that "we enjoyed a nice lifestyle," Jim explains, "I didn't want to be reliant on my trial job as our sole source of income.

" In search of anything with a high income potential and little financial risk, I was continually on the hunt for opportunities.

" Jim was a fantastic candidate for the Amway company's recruitment programme.

"Actually," he admits with a grin, "I didn't even know the person who introduced us to this chance." He relocated to our neighbourhood and began attending our church services. 

In the course of our conversation, I learned more about the company in which he was involved. I eventually phoned him and asked if he would be willing to demonstrate what he was doing. 

In fact, I inquired as to whether or not I might bring two buddies with me. We got together for a while.

I was fascinated, so I decided to look into it further. I contacted attorneys general all over the country to find out more about the company that was sponsoring the event. 

I worked in the retail credit check industry. I contacted every source I could find, including the office of a United States Senator. 

Everything continued to pass muster. The following day, we flew to Miami for a large conference that included Dexter Yager. 

That was the deciding factor for us. We rose through the ranks swiftly and were promoted to the Direct level in a relatively short amount of time. 

In less than three years, we were awarded the status of Diamonds!

Jones, Jim & Julie

Before anyone gets the impression that the Joneses had an easy road to Diamond, Jim points out a well-traveled route that they had taken.

"The legal profession is a really unpleasant environment," he continues. To remain objective, you must have a healthy dose of cynicism. I was well aware that I had a lot of maturing to do. Julie and I started doing everything we could to make this business a success from the day we made the decision to pursue it. It has been over a decade since we have missed a function."

Life has taken on the character of a living geography lesson. For several years, they travelled over the country in a motor coach, lecturing and expanding their business while their children, Jennifer and Jenise, were growing up. They made their home in Florida. Jim has published several books, one of which was featured in a Billy Graham sermon. He and his wife, Julie, are well-known public speakers. In order to visit their favourite vacation spots and ski resorts, they travel all over the world.

According to Jim, "It's a wonderful existence." "We earn the same amount of money as those in more traditional occupations, but we have complete flexibility." For the record, there are many attorneys who want to be Diamonds, but I know of no Diamonds who want to be a lawyer!"

"Keeping up with the Joneses" appears to be an excellent concept when it comes to Jim and Julie.

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