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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Fondren, Marnie Amway

 "Even the most successful 'business vagabonds' seek to put down roots for their families," says the author.

"Marnie Fondren worked as an IBM systems engineer for several years before deciding to leave "joyfully" after the birth of her first child. 

In addition to being a former military commander, her husband, Bill, was a 19-year IBM veteran who clocked more than 60 hours per week. \

"We were in our sixth home in twelve years," Marnie recalls, "and we were well aware that Bill would be transferred again in a few years.

" Even the most successful 'corporate vagabonds' reach a point in their lives when they wish to establish roots for their families. 

After much deliberation, we came to the conclusion that this firm could be the answer to our desire to no longer be forced to relocate. 

He recovered control of 60 hours a week of his life once Bill and I achieved our individual objectives. 

That was a genuine shift in way of living." Bill and Marnie created great memories with their children, which included time spent at their Canadian lakeside cabin, fishing, and watching sunsets in the company of their children. 

"This is a family business in which we have gained many fantastic friends," says the proprietor. 

When we learnt that Bill was suffering from a medical condition for which there was no solution, we were affected by the prayers of a large number of people who cared about him. 

It was the most effective treatment available for Bill. It is a magnificent legacy of integrity and a strong attitude that he has left behind."

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