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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tools And Functions?

 Back when I was an IBO many years ago, I was told unequivocally that tools and functions were critical to Amway's overall success. Our upline diamonds were absolutely adamant about it. Looking back, it was probably the biggest lie our upline told the entire group, if not the biggest. Because fact checking was more difficult back then, when the internet was still in its infancy, it was easier for diamonds to deceive the public.

There is no profit to be made from the tools or functions, which was a blatant lie told by the diamonds to us. We were also told by them that WWDB was a non-profit organisation, which was also a blatant fabrication. They eventually admitted that there was profit in the tools and functions, but that the qualifications and compensation plan were shrouded in secrecy until they could no longer maintain their deception.

The fact of the matter is that diamonds generate a significant amount of revenue from tools and functions. And if I had to guess, I'd say 20 to 50 percent or more of a diamond's revenue comes from tools and functions, if I had to guess. It is for this reason that the diamonds advise you to never miss a scheduled event. The number of people who come to the event and purchase standing orders and books provides the diamonds with a consistent and predictable stream of income.

In addition, it is for this reason that you will see diamonds breaking away from their lifelong friends and mentors and forming their own organisations. You can also find lawsuits pitting diamonds against diamonds over tool money if you search on Google or do a search on the internet. So much for the notion that diamonds are so valuable that their owners don't give a second thought to their financial well-being. It's all part of the ruse put on by your cherished diamonds to keep you happy.

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