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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tips For Amway IBOs?

 Glenn Stearns was the subject of a show called undercover billionaire, in which he was dropped off in Pennsylvania with $100 and an old truck, and he had to come up with a million-dollar business in 90 days or else. After launching Underdog BBQ, he realised he had fallen short, so he invested his own million dollars into the company. However, the business principles and thought process he demonstrated can be applied to other types of businesses.

IBOs could learn a great deal more from this show than they could by listening to diamonds give advice. Prior to attempting to sell something, it was recommended that you "find your buyer first." This was sound advice. Glenn was successful in purchasing and selling goods, and he even sold a discarded tractor tyre for a substantial profit. During his final push to open Underdog BBQ, he was successful enough to flip a house.

He met and made important contacts along the way, and he was able to put together a team that was successful in executing the business plan. Keep in mind that, despite the fact that his jus business was valued at $750,000, he accomplished this in less than three months. The company is still going strong today, and the team that he put together has been given a stake in the company's success.

The Discovery Channel is airing a new version of Undercover Billionaire, this time with three new participants. So far, only one episode has aired on the network's website. It is my opinion that the success principles and business strategies employed by these successful entrepreneurs can be of greater benefit to IBOs than any standing order or function, and I am providing this advice at no charge. It can, in my opinion, be applied to Amway as well as other corporations. Just the way they look at things and see potential is incredible to me. We see a dilapidated building, but no one else sees an opportunity to make millions by converting it into rental units or condominiums.

Keep in mind that these participants only have a cell phone that costs $100 per day to begin with. It is necessary for them to use an alias name because their real success and influence cannot be applied to their business ventures. I believe this is sound advice for Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and other entrepreneurs.

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