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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

CORE - Key To Success Or Failure?

 Here is a breakdown of CORE and the reasons why it does not function. The following are the PRIMARY STEPS. Some groups may use a different version of CORE, but the following is the most common version used by many groups:

1 - Demonstrate the Plan (10-15 per month)

2 - Sell the Products (10 customers at a price of ten PV each)

3 - Audio cassettes, CDs, and other media

Books (number 4)

5-Applications (attend all)

Accountability is number six on the list.

7 - Consult with your superiors (Be teachable!)

8 - Purchase 100 percent of your own goods and services.

9 – Communicate with one another

Many uplines will tell you that if you follow these steps for 2-5 years, your success is nearly 100 percent guaranteed. Some Amway enthusiasts will tell you that six months of consistent activity will almost certainly result in you reaching the platinum level of your business. Certain actions are within the control of the IBO, such as reading every day and listening to audio CDs, as well as attending functions and gatherings. Furthermore, while it is simple enough to be accountable, consult with upline, purchase your own products, and use KATE (voicemail), many steps are not directly under the control of independent business owners.

This is the point at which an IBO's efforts will fail. Demonstrating the plan and selling the products And always remember that if you are unable to follow these steps consistently, you will not be considered "CORE," and your upline will most likely tell you that it is your own fault and that you have simply not been CORE, and as a result, you will not have achieved success. There is some truth to this, but allow me to present the system from a different perspective.

Amway has a mixed reputation in the United States. This is a fact that I do not believe can be contested. Because of this, being able to demonstrate the plan 10-15 times per month is a nearly impossible task for the vast majority of people. In order to accomplish this, you must be an exceptionally effective salesperson or a skilled liar. However, in this scenario, the IBO has already achieved great success, but not as a result of CORE, but rather due to his or her ability to persuade others to see the value of what they are doing. However, for many independent business owners, they may contact hundreds of people without being able to convince anyone to see the plan. The majority of independent business owners (IBOs) will not be able to show 10-15 plans per month, even if they follow upline advice on how to contact. In this case, the IBO who is performing the work will be unable to complete the task. The system will point the finger at the IBO, but the reality is that the IBO is at a significant disadvantage that cannot be overcome.

Second, because of high prices (on average) and a shaky reputation, most independent business owners are unable to sell their products. As a result, the majority of IBOs are unable to sell products, as a result, they are not CORE, and as a result, their upline will blame the IBO for failure. IBOS is hampered by the fact that they are attempting to sell generic natural products at a premium price while maintaining a low profit margin. The vast majority of people find it difficult to accept.

What happens if an IBO contacts 1000 people but only manages to persuade 10 of them to view the plan? The upline will claim that the IBO is not CORE and that, as a result, the IBO has failed on his or her own. According to my understanding, the only reason why upline can claim that CORE works is because in order to consistently follow the CORE steps, you must already be at a certain level of success. The vast majority of independent business owners (IBOs) will never be able to achieve that level of success.

That is the myth and deception that many uplines will use in order to attract new recruits to their organisation. That each IBO is capable of performing the CORE steps. Even though only a fraction of a percent of the population ever achieves the status of platinum or higher, the statistics strongly support what is written here. Apologists are welcome to attempt to prove me wrong, but they will be unsuccessful.:D

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