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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Keller, Ray & Karla Amway

 However, the fact that they lived thousands of miles away from anyone was insignificant; they had made a commitment.

"Ray and Karla Keller were on the fast track to a successful marriage. They had good-paying jobs in Florida, as well as a corporate car and a nice place to live. 

In the meantime, Ray desired an aeroplane, and Karla want horses, so an invitation to start a business alongside their current professions seemed worthwhile. 

Then the company for which they worked went bankrupt, taking with it their car, their salary, and their home with it. 

Ray had previously worked as a high school teacher, but he had grown up on a farm in Arkansas and was familiar with the agricultural industry, so they decided to go there. 

Soon after, he and Karla realised that they needed alternatives and recalled the firm they had started together. 

The fact that they lived hundreds of miles away from everyone else didn't matter to them because they had made a promise. 

They were determined to make this venture a success, and they committed their entire time to its growth. 

They were now completely liberated on a personal level. The couple has been able to work from home and be present for their children since they were born, adds Raymond. 

They have a large home on 17 acres of land that is surrounded by trees and has a basketball court. "They have gained many lovely friends through their business and are enjoying the life of their dreams.

It was when Ray was 25 years old and Karla was 22 years old that they made the decision to join the Diamond team. It took a while after that to get here;

1 year to go Direct (Platinum) - 1 more year to go Ruby Direct - 1 more year to go Emerald - 1 more year to be in Diamond qualification - 1 more year to be in Diamond qualification

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