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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Diamond, Mark & Phyllis Amway

Back in 1970, I went on what I believed was a solid career with the Federal Government, ready to get on with 'real life.' Soon, I realised that 'real life' was no picnic.

After many promotions, it seemed like a smart idea to buy a house ' based on predicted professional advancement and income growth. 

It didn't take long to discover, everything I made went immediately into the house. After six years, there seemed to be no end in sight.

I was ready for anything that could assist me enhance my condition. I was very excited when I went home from a meeting, where I first learned all about this business. 

With the help of an exceptionally supportive upline, along with a powerful system, I got Platinum in two years, in spite of my tremendous phobia of sharing the plan. 

My government employment was not going as intended, and I grew even more driven to establish my own business. 

So, after three years, I left my job, at age 31, to establish my business fulltime. I made it to Emerald pretty fast, and after 3�' years of Bill Britt referring to me as 'Mark Emerald,' I was determined to follow my upline pals to Diamond Club!

Has it been worth it? You bet! I can now afford my home, I travel the globe ' literally, I have no boss, but I do have as friends some of the finest individuals, with the highest morals and beliefs you could ever want to discover. And, without a job to go to every day, I have the leisure and the flexibility to enjoy it all! 

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