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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Amway And Covid 19?

 It was only lately that I saw my doctor for a standard check up. According to him, the corona virus is simply this year's version of influenza, which is also known as the flu. As a result of the media's sensationalization of the situation, it has turned into a tragedy for both people and global economies. Virus 19 does not appear to be any more dangerous than the swine flu that we experienced a few years ago. Joecool has taken advantage of the current market conditions to purchase excellent stocks at bargain prices.

But what impact will this have on IBOS? It is more common for them to conduct business in person to person, which may be difficult given the trend of social distancing. Also, how will the uplines fill their wallets if they are unable to hold major meetings and conferences to which they are invited? Not that I feel terrible for the crooked upline, but I'm curious in the pitch that is being used to take money from downline members who do not have the ability to do hold functions. How will IBOS recruit if they are unable to take a break for a cup of coffee? Takeout is the only option available at most restaurants and establishments such as Starbucks in Hawaii.

Honestly, I do not want people's jobs to be negatively impacted, so I have been eating out every day in order to support local businesses. I don't want IBOS to lose their jobs, but I do hope that their upline doesn't encourage some dishonest s am to extract money from their down line in order to circumvent the covid 19 constraints on their business. If anyone is aware of any upline systems that are completely illogical, please let me know so that I may look into it and possibly publish an essay on it here.

Stay safe, and I hope that this situation may be resolved as soon as possible!

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