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Saturday, August 14, 2021

It’s That Simple?

 My blog has received a number of comments regarding numerous Amway groups, such as WWDB, LTD, and others, that are doing online functions on their websites. In spite of the cheaper cost of running an online function, upline diamonds appear to be charging the same charges for their online functions as they do for their offline functions. We have to admit that with social isolation and the need to avoid dealing with others, the Amway company basically comes to a standstill, at least for the time being. However, diamonds appear to be need to continue to fleece their down line in order to maintain their diamond lifestyles, which may be a challenge at the moment.

As a result, for IBOS and prospects, Joecool will provide you with some free business advice regarding your Amway business venture. Personally, I believe that Amway is a terrible business opportunity, but if you are forced to go, I will provide you with free advice.

It is not a good idea to spend money you don't have on Amway products or Amway courses. If your company's profits are insufficient to cover the costs of your functions and standing orders, you should refrain from participating until your company can at the very least maintain itself. Thus, you will avoid building up a mountain of debt. You may not require Amway education if you are able to generate sufficient profits on your own without assistance.

Amway is all about selling products, purchasing products, and attempting to recruit new distributors. It's simply that straightforward. There is nothing more or less to say. Despite the fact that your upline has an infinite source of training and (paid) counsel for you, the capacity to buy, sell, and sponsor is what ultimately determines your success. It's really that straightforward, regardless of whether you comprehend what I'm saying.

The Amway company is merely a guise for upline diamonds to sell tools and functions to IBOS and prospects through the Amway organisation. In movies and television productions, the Italian restaurant serves as a cover for the Mafia, in the same way. Because the Amway business model is truly that straightforward. Your upline wants you to believe that you require substantial and never-ending training since that is what they make their living off of. You can deposit that money in a bank account.

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