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Saturday, August 14, 2021

What Retirement?

 As states begin to open up their economies in the face of the covid 19 pandemic, life will begin to resemble the world we were accustomed to. Due to the fact that it may be some time until major meetings are permitted, the diamonds may be able to continue to fleece their down line by charging full price for internet functions that are filled with basically meaningless counsel. Unfortunately, many downline members will be forced to make financial sacrifices they cannot afford simply because their upline diamond instructed them to.

But I'm asking an open and honest question. Diamond continues to work and recruit new IBOS despite the numerous headaches brought on by the Covid 19 limits on movement. It made me wonder why none of the illustrious diamonds has taken advantage of their legal right to walk away from their businesses and live a tranquil and quiet life in retirement with barrels of wealth flowing indefinitely? A large number of the diamonds I saw at one point were in their 60s or nearing that age. Isn't the concept of residual income something that the diamonds promote? If they do, in fact, have a substantial amount of residual income, why would they continue to be so busy going from event to function when they could simply sit back and enjoy their lives?

Allow me to make a suggestion that will be unpopular with the IBOS. The diamonds live paycheck to paycheck, just like many other individuals, and unless they have amassed substantial wealth through investments other than Amway, they are likely to be in debt while attempting to demonstrate the diamond lifestyle. I recall hearing a person at a function I went caution people from participating in the stock market because it was similar to gambling because it was similar to gambling. It's impossible to imagine something more far from the truth. If you are day trading, it is possible that you are gambling, whereas investing in a stable company such as Apple, for example, is a secure investment in the long run.

My favourite part about diamonds selling Amway is that they promise that it is a ticket to early retirement. However, I am not aware of any diamonds who have actually retired on their Amway income. What I did witness was the deaths of royal ambassadors while on the job, as well as the resignation or quitting of certain diamonds from Amway. So I'll ask it again: What do you mean by retirement?

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