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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Are Uplines Exploiting The Sheep?

 As we progress further into the Covid 19 saga, it becomes increasingly evident to me that the Amway diamonds are not living in the lap of luxury and are reliant on exploitation of their downline to keep their money streams flowing. After reading comments stating that diamonds are attempting to set up online functions and charging full price, I said to myself, "WTF?"

Because of the virus, most, if not all, states and countries have imposed limitations. You are not permitted to recruit or engage in any other moral Amway-related actions in public without permission. The Amway business is mostly conducted one-on-one and face-to-face, with each individual customer. The virus has reduced those activities, so what in the world will the diamonds teach that will be valuable to their downline is anyone's guess. It irritates me that these apparently ultra-wealthy diamonds must sink to such low levels as to exploit rank and file IBOs in order to obtain their money.

I'm curious if anyone has any information on what is being taught at these new functions. If it's worthless, I'm sure it's useless, but what will IBOs do with the information if they can't go out prospecting? Because of the social limitations, it is a complete waste of time and money, and I feel sorry for the lower-ranking IBOs who may have lost their employment or income as a result. Consider your options carefully before following upline suggestions to spend money on functions and other expenses in this firm.

There is a famous idiom that is used in the field of multi-level marketing (MLM) that says "your upline is your lifeline." This concept alludes to the notion that the individual who brought you into the business and those above them in the hierarchy, who are referred to as your upline, are there to guide you, assist you, and help you achieve success in the business.

On the other hand, there is a rising fear that some uplines in multi-level marketing companies like Amway are exploiting the individuals below them, who are referred to as their downline, and treating them like sheep. This indicates that they are taking advantage of their downline's trust and naivety in order to convince people to spend more money on products, training, and events, even when there is no genuine gain to their business from doing so.

The uplines in Amway and other multi-level marketing companies take advantage of their downlines in a number of different ways, including the sale of pricey training materials and seminars. They frequently guarantee rapid and effortless achievement, assuring those in their downline that all that is required of them is to adhere to the established protocol and make use of the resources made available by their upline. However, the fact of the matter is that these tools are frequently sold at inflated prices and offer the downline very little benefit.

In addition to the expensive cost of training materials and events, some uplines in Amway also pressure their downlines to purchase huge quantities of products each month, even if they are unable to sell the products. This is the case even when the uplines are aware that their downlines are unable to sell the products. This is due to the fact that Amway employs a system in which Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are required to meet a particular sales volume in order to be eligible for bonuses and incentives. Because of this, downline members are frequently left with an excess of products that they are unable to sell, which results in a loss of financial resources.

One further method that uplines in Amway could be taking advantage of their downlines is by providing them with unachievable expectations of success. They can persuade their downline that it is possible to become financially independent and retire earlier if they simply work hard enough and adhere to the system. The truth of the matter is, however, that only a small percentage of IBOs in multi-level marketing companies like Amway and others ever attain major financial success. When people in the downline learn that the promises that were made to them were not kept, it often leaves them with a sense of disillusionment and discouragement.

In general, there is mounting evidence that certain uplines in Amway are taking advantage of the people in their downline. This is despite the fact that not all uplines in Amway are guilty of abusing their downline. IBOs should educate themselves on the underlying costs and benefits of the business, and they should be suspicious of any upline who makes phony promises or forces them to spend money on training materials and events that give little value to their business. It is crucial for IBOs to educate themselves on the true costs and benefits of the business, and they should do so as soon as possible.

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