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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Your Big Dreams?

 One of the topics that uplines discuss is the possibility of achieving your wildest aspirations. "What is conceivable" is what they seek to demonstrate to IBOs and prospects. In actuality, however, it is more like displaying the winners of lotteries, because the reality of the Amway company is that many will lose in order for a few to gain. It is easy to see that the lower levels of IBOs are losing money while using the 6-4-2 plan or whatever variation your group employs. This is especially true if they are subscribing to various tools such as voicemail, standing order, and attending functions or meetings. This is an unavoidable and unavoidable fact of life in the Amway company.

So, whose dreams have been realised? Based on predicted income from Amway bonuses and money from the sale of the tools, I would have to conclude that your unwavering commitment to the tools system has only served to realise the ambitions of your upline and no one else. Even someone with a solar array ranging from 1000 to 2500 watts can lose money if they are a firm believer in the technology. Of course, a lot of this will depend on where you live and how far you have to travel to get to your appointments and gatherings. Although many IBOs are instructed to "reinvest" whatever incentives they get into tools and functions, this is not always the case. Ironically, it is because of this reinvestment in the tools that many IBOs end up with a net loss. And, of course, reinvesting your income is only beneficial to your upline, not you.

Another unfortunate turn of circumstances is that your upline will ask for your confidence. That they have your best interests at heart and are looking for your confidence. If you follow their recommendations, you will have a high chance of success. Then, even if you follow instructions to the letter, your upline will either blame you for failure or educate you to hate yourself for putting forth too little effort. As far as I am aware, uplines have never been held accountable for the advise that they provide to their downlines. However, they are quick to claim credit for the modest success that has resulted from the system's grinding. It is perplexing to watch self-righteous apologists continuing to defend and promote an opportunity in which the vast majority of participants suffer a net loss. Over a relatively short amount of time, losses can accumulate into the tens of thousands of dollars or more in some circumstances where downline members have sold out to the system.

Beginning this month and continuing throughout the following month, a WWDB function named Dream Night will be available. It is possible to attend a party where you will view slide exhibitions of mansions, yachts, sports vehicles, premium holiday destinations, and other trappings of affluence. The diamonds may say, "Do as we say," and you will be able to take advantage of what we have. What goes overlooked in all of this is that the diamonds may or may not actually own or possess any or all of the items depicted in the slide presentations. It's possible that they don't have the kind of income you expect. Some people may be experiencing financial troubles, but one thing is evident to me. The dedication and tool purchases of that downline's diamonds assist the upline diamonds in fulfilling their own dreams, but not yours.

It is essential for one's own development, motivation, and sense of purpose to have lofty goals to strive toward. Big ambitions give us a crystal clear picture of what it is that we want to do as well as a road map for how to get there. This is true regardless of whether the dream is to launch a prosperous business, see the world, or become financially independent.

Clarifying and defining one's goals and aspirations is one of the first things that must be done in order to make one's dreams come true. This requires us to develop SMART goals, which are objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These objectives should correspond with our long-term goals. We are able to develop an efficient plan of action and maintain our motivation as we make headway toward our objectives if we first tackle our lofty ambitions by dividing them into more achievable subtasks.

Being willing to take chances and to grow from one's mistakes is another crucial component in turning one's huge ambitions become reality. To achieve our most ambitious goals, we must frequently push ourselves beyond of our comfort zones and be willing to take some calculated risks. It also involves resiliency in the face of obstacles, as well as the capacity to gain insight from mistakes and adjust our strategy accordingly.

In addition, while we chase our great aspirations, surrounding ourselves with a supportive network of friends, family, mentors, and coworkers can give us with vital feedback, guidance, and encouragement. The assistance of others in the form of collaboration and support may be of great assistance in maintaining our motivation and staying on course, as well as providing us with useful insights and points of view as we overcome hurdles and obstacles along the way.

Lastly, if we remain loyal to our principles and purpose, it will be easier for us to maintain our focus and dedication to our expansive goals. By ensuring that our objectives are congruent with both our personal beliefs and our mission in life, we can make our endeavors more purposeful and satisfying, as well as ensure that they are contributing to a cause that is larger than just ourselves.

In conclusion, having lofty goals and aspirations is crucial for one's personal development and drive, and it can also provide a distinct feeling of purpose and direction. Realizing our goals and having long-term success can be facilitated by, amongst other things, elucidating and defining our most ambitious aspirations, engaging in calculated risks and drawing wisdom from our setbacks, soliciting the assistance of others, and being true to our core principles and goals. We have the ability to live a life that is meaningful and satisfying, one that is reflective of our greatest passions and aspirations, if we maintain our concentration and remain committed to our big dreams.

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