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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Buy From Yourself?

 To buy from yourself is a frequent teaching propagated among Amway Independent Business Owners, and while it makes sense to support your own business, the way it's taught in Amway appears to be rather regressive to an impartial observer. The premise is that you should be your own best customer, and that a McDonalds owner would not eat at a Burger King restaurant. It may appear to be sensible, but in the grand scheme of things, it is a complete and utter failure.

Nobody has ever been able to run a successful business without having actual customers. It may be beneficial to your own business, but no matter how much you purchase, at the end of the day, all buyers are simply Amway customers. So, whatever you want to call it, Amway appreciates you. This means that you are just as much a business owner as someone who is simply making use of a cash back credit card. The distinction is that, unlike Amway, a cash back credit card has no minimum quota, and there is no training or additional functionality required to use a cash back credit card.

Furthermore, the concept that a business owner would not patronise a competitor is absurd and unfounded. I know people who own food facilities who regularly visit other dining establishments because it allows them to sample new foods and see what their competitors are up to. They enjoy doing this because it allows them to see what their competitors are up to. It's ridiculous to believe that a McDonald's franchisee will only consume Big Macs for the rest of his or her life.

Ultimately, to generate money and take advantage of Amway's compensation structure, you must have a large number of genuine consumers who make purchases on a consistent basis. Buying from yourself generates no profit, and the fact that you are supporting your own business merely serves to increase Amway's profits at your expense. You believe that buying from yourself is profitable because your upline has indoctrinated you with this false idea. In the case of purchases from Amway, the company profits, and any perceived profit that you may have gained came entirely out of your own pocket, much like transferring money from your checking account to your savings account and calling the transfer a profit.

If your upline is promoting this ruse of buying from yourself, please read this post again and consider twice before paying for any more of this type of ludicrous information. 😃

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