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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Where Are The Diamond Retirees?

 Many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) fantasise of obtaining money from having developed a large Amway business, and then "walking away" from the business and retiring young while living a luxurious lifestyle. Some diamonds may include photographs of automobiles, houses, and other luxury, which are reportedly the result of building a large Amway business, in order to "prove" that this is achievable. And, unfortunately, many young people are led to believe that they can all achieve this level of success with just two and a half years of hard effort. It's essentially a myth and a get-rich-quick gimmick, to put it bluntly.

The question is, where are these enigmatic individuals who developed substantial Amway businesses and then "walked away" while the money continued to pour in? There are a number of points to consider for those who believe that people have "walked away" from an Amway operation while still earning a substantial salary.

First and foremost, if someone actually had the ability to walk away and live in luxury, why are there innumerable examples of diamonds, double diamonds, and even higher levels of compensation from Amway, who have quit or resigned from the company? Why didn't they take advantage of the opportunity to go away? There is a "side volume" requirement for various Amway bonuses in order to qualify. When it comes to "retired" IBOs, how do they continue to meet this requirement? Even if an overwhelming majority of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) depart each year, none of their downline ever does? Who is there to assist these downline members when their upline is off walking the beaches of the world, and how can anyone maintain a particular level of activity after walking away from the company? The majority of independent business owners discover that their businesses collapse quickly after they cease adding downline. Also, how do you fulfil the required minimum sales/customer PV if you are lounging on the beaches sipping Mai Tais all day?

I feel the answer is straightforward. There aren't any people strolling around the beaches of the world as Amway wealth pours in by the truckload on a daily basis. Sure, some people may still be earning some income from repeat customers or from having some downline members who remain active after you leave the business, but I seriously doubt that there are people jet-setting around the world and vacationing on the beaches of the world with no financial worries after working 2-5 years, as is frequently suggested during recruitment or open meetings. If these individuals exist, why hasn't anyone been able to identify even a single one of them? Why do royal ambassadors continue to maintain such hectic schedules? If diamonds could actually stroll away and enjoy life with the revenue that comes in through Amway, why are they continuously rushing from function to function? Is it any wonder that there are reports of diamonds losing their homes to foreclosure and that a notable triple diamond was involved in bankruptcy proceedings a few years ago?

I believe that the solution is self-evident. The reason for this is that walking away from an Amway firm while income is pouring in is like to running after the end of a rainbow. You can see it, but you will never be able to take it. If that's the case, where have all of these enigmatic retired Amway employees gone?

Getting to the level of Diamond in Amway and other multi-level marketing companies is frequently presented as the pinnacle of success. It is a degree of accomplishment that is rarely achieved and comes with the promise of achieving financial independence and the capacity to enjoy a comfortable retirement. On the other hand, just as with a lot of other MLMs, the reality might not live up to the expectations.

Although there are undoubtedly some people who have reached Diamond status in Amway and have been able to retire comfortably as a result of their accomplishments there, the fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of people who participate in MLMs do not attain this level of success. In point of fact, many struggle even to maintain their current level of income, let alone turn a profit.

The structure of MLMs themselves is one of the reasons behind this phenomenon. In spite of the fact that they may claim an endless earning potential, the reality is that only a small fraction of those at the top of the pyramid are actually able to achieve considerable success. The vast majority of people who are at the bottom are left striving to sell things and attract new members, and they have little hope of ever gaining actual money from their efforts.

Even for individuals who are successful in attaining Diamond status, the path to retirement might not be as easy as it is made out to be. MLMs such as Amway typically need a considerable amount of one's time and work in order to keep one's status and revenue at the same level. It is possible that as a result of this, a significant amount of time will be spent attending meetings and recruiting new members, leaving little room for participation in other activities.

Additionally, multi-level marketing companies are sometimes criticized for the focus that they place on recruitment rather than actual product sales. Because of this, it may become impossible for anyone to achieve sustained success because there will be a great number of people fighting for a small pool of potential recruits.

As a consequence of this, even while it is possible that there are some Diamond retirees in the world who have attained financial independence through Amway, the fact is that there are probably very few and far between them. The promise of multi-level marketing (MLM) success is, for the vast majority of people, just that: a promise that is not likely to be achieved in the real world.

In conclusion, although the prospect of retiring as a Diamond in Amway or any other multi-level marketing company may sound enticing, it is essential to approach possibilities of this kind with a critical eye and to have expectations that are grounded in reality. Even though it is possible to be successful in multi-level marketing (MLM), it is by no means guaranteed, and the path to retirement may be longer and more challenging than it was touted to be. Always remember to perform your own study and come to judgments regarding your financial future after gathering as much information as possible.

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