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Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Diamond Con Artist?

 A recent visitor comment stated that a diamond is essentially a scam artist, which is true. Com is a shirt for self-assurance. They gain your confidence by engaging in small talk, edifying you, and eliciting your aims and dreams. Once they've gotten you there, they'll try to seal the deal by telling you that you can't afford to start a genuine business, so Amway makes sense and that their system is practically infallible, so you can't go wrong with them.

They may begin by providing you with a few free audios or meetings, but the bar is quickly increased after that. You will be told that a true business owner must make an investment in their company's future. Investing time and resources into learning about the business and building it. All you have to do is be approachable and open-minded, and you'll be following in the footsteps of your upline leaders. However, many IBOS refer to their upline mentors as mentors, even though they are con artists who are running a scam.

They're not that different from any other run-of-the-mill con artist in some ways. You pique the interest of the prospect and persuade them to part with their money. One distinction is that the upline simply takes lesser amounts on a more frequent basis through their system of books, audios, events, gatherings, and other instructional resources, which they distribute through their network. If IBOS genuinely prophesied and many of the predictions came true, my perspective would be very different. Instead, the masses contribute to the diamonds' way of life, which is ironic given that the IBOS treat the diamonds as if they were rock stars, and they are worshipped by them.

The great majority of independent business owners either make nothing or lose money. Some people suffer significant financial losses. What's more, the diamonds appear to be completely unconcerned about the fact that many people are suffering and may be out of work as a result of the covid19 outbreak, and they continue to exploit their due line by offering online functions while charging the same price. However, at the end of the day, the Amway business is conducted one-on-one and often face to face. I can't imagine any effective teaching coming from the upper echelons of the organisation. It's not that normal functions are instructive in any way.

In the end, it is my educated judgement that Amway diamonds function in the same manner as scam artists do.

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