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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Why Amway?

 To be honest, I'm a little surprised that the Amway scam is still going on. That people are still being seduced by "the dream" and that this enterprise is still being sustained by an influx of new recruits is proof positive. It appears that function venues are becoming smaller, and because information about Amway is readily available, consumers may research into the company and obtain enough knowledge to make an informed decision about their participation.

But why did Amway get into this business in the first place? The stock market is currently experiencing an incredible bull run, and there are investment possibilities everywhere. Anyone who is willing to put in the effort and persevere can achieve success in the United States. The majority of Amway recruits appear to be motivated and eager to work.

However, many recruits have a problem in that they expect pixie dust to appear. In other words, they desire a fast track to retirement and financial security. The reality is that money creation takes time and work, and this is a given. In most cases, most people cannot retire till they are 60 years old, unless they discover some new trend or have some kind of fortunate break. And that's just not sexy at all.

I have a question for Amway recruiting. Where have all of the Amway retirees disappeared to? I know a number of retired fire fighters, police officers, government personnel, and bankers, but I am unaware of any Amway retirees. Sure, people believe that diamonds are retired and living the high life, but why don't any of them simply move away and enjoy their residual fortune? Instead, it appears that diamonds will continue to serve till death. That should provide considerable fuel for thought for anyone considering working for Amway. As a result, I inquire once more. What is the appeal of Amway?

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