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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Stay Safe?

 Our covid 19 instances in Hawaii have reached 120 as of this writing, according to my sources. If you are a member of the Amway organisation, you might consider taking a break and obeying the instructions of your government's authorities. Make sure you aren't putting yourself in danger in the name of recruiting downline. Stay at home and don't add to the problem by contributing to it.

In the event that your upline is scheduling functions online and charging you, don't ask yourself why you would have to pay when a conference call or online meeting such as using an app would be free? You also won't be able to use the teaching because many states, including mine are in lockdown mode and we are only allowed out for work, food, and medical appointments.

People are being penalised for simply being out and about without a good cause. The current state of affairs makes it impossible to conduct an Amway firm. Stay at home and keep yourself secure. Save your money and consider twice before paying your upline to attend a conference that can be held for free over the internet. Sure, you may argue that they should be compensated for their work, but the question is why they are attempting to extract money from their downline in such a tight economy and with the possibility of an approaching recession?

Maintain your physical and financial well-being!

We all make it a priority to protect ourselves whenever we are in a public setting, whether we are at home, at work, or elsewhere. Although the world can be a hazardous place, there are measures that can be taken to lessen the impact of these dangers and protect not just ourselves but also those around us. In this piece, we will discuss a variety of approaches that can be taken to ensure one's safety in a variety of settings and scenarios.

Keeping Oneself Safe While at Home

It is important that our homes serve as sanctuaries for us, places where we can relax and be certain of our safety. Nevertheless, events and accidents can take place anywhere, including in the safety and security of our own homes. Here are some pointers that will assist you in maintaining a secure environment at home:

Carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors should both be installed in your home. These devices have the capability of warning you of prospective risks before those risks materialize.

Always keep the numbers of emergency contacts close at hand. These include the contact information for the local police and fire departments as well as the hospital.

Maintain the safety of your home. Install strong locks on all of your doors and windows, and if you have the means, give some thought to purchasing a home security system.

Keep your home well-lit. It is important to have adequate illumination in your home as it can assist prevent potential intruders and make it easier for you to move about safely.

Do not leave valuables where others can easily see them. This can entice thieves, who may then target your home as their next victim.

Have a fire escape plan. Make it a priority to educate everyone living in your home on the proper procedure to follow in the event of a fire.

Keeping Oneself Safe While Working

Work consumes a substantial amount of time for many of us throughout our lives. Even if we can have a sense that we are protected and safe in the places where we work, there are still potential dangers that we need to be alert for. Here are some suggestions that can assist you in maintaining a safe working environment:

Always adhere to the safety procedures. This includes donning protective gear whenever it is required, such as hard hats and safety goggles, among other items.

Take breaks. Fatigue, which can lead to an increase in the risk of accidents, can be caused by working long hours without taking breaks.

Please let your supervisor know about any potential hazards. If you spot anything that could be hazardous, such as a spill on the floor or a piece of equipment that is not functioning properly, you should report it as soon as possible.

Learn the protocols for dealing with emergencies. Make sure you are prepared for any kind of emergency, whether it be a fire, a natural disaster, or anything else.

Maintain a tidy and well-organized workspace at all times. Because of this, accidents may be avoided, and it will be much simpler to move around safely at your workspace.

Keeping Yourself Safe in Public

When we go out into the world, we put ourselves in situations where we could be put in harm's way, from car accidents to acts of violence. You can keep secure when you go out in public by following these tips:

Always be alert of what is going on around you. Always be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for potential dangers. Pay attention.

Carry yourself with self-assurance. This has the ability to dissuade would-be assailants.

Stay in areas that have plenty of light. This may make it more difficult for crooks to approach you while also making it easier for you to spot potential dangers.

Make sure that your valuables are hidden from view. This includes your wallet, your phone, and any other valuables that could be of interest to criminals.

Don't stroll alone at night. Stay in locations that are well-lit and give some thought to carrying a personal alarm if you have no choice but to stroll alone at night.

Put your faith in your gut impulses. If something doesn't feel quite right, you should follow your gut and take precautions to protect yourself.

Maintaining One's Safety While on the Road

It's true that traveling can be an exhilarating adventure, but it can also put us in new dangerous situations and put us in harm's way. The following are some safety precautions that you should take while traveling:

Do some research about the place you plan to go. Do some research on your trip to find out if there are any potential dangers or safety concerns there before you travel there.

Keep your valuables safe. This includes your wallet, your passport, and any other essential documents you may have.

Stay in areas that have plenty of light. This may make it more difficult for crooks to approach you while also making it easier for you to spot potential dangers.

When use public transit, exercise extreme caution. Watch over your things and maintain awareness of your surroundings at all times.

Use trusted transportation services. This includes ride-hailing services, taxis, and other forms of public transit.

Do not carry around a significant amount of cash. Instead of using cash, you might want to use a credit card or traveler's checks.

Try to remain unnoticed. It is best not to draw unnecessary attention to yourself by donning expensive jewelry or apparel.

Inform someone of your whereabouts before you leave. Make sure that someone else is aware of your intended route and destination during your trip.

Keeping Yourself Safe While Online

Because we live in a digital age, a large portion of our time is now spent online. Even though the internet can be a very useful resource, it can also put us in situations where we could be put in harm's way. Here are some helpful hints that will keep you secure while you're online:

Use strong passwords. When creating secure passwords that are difficult to crack, it's best to use a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols in your passwords.

Make sure that your software is always up to date. This includes the software that runs your computer, such as the operating system and web browser.

Utilize some sort of antiviral software. Your computer may be safer from malicious software and viruses if you do this.

Be aware of frauds that include phishing. When receiving content from unknown sources, avoid downloading attachments or clicking on links.

Make sure to use encrypted website. If you want to know whether or not a website is secure, you should look for a lock icon in the address bar.

Be sure to keep your private information secure. If you do not trust the website or the individual with whom you are giving your personal information, such as your social security number or credit card information, do not disclose it with either of them.


Maintaining our health and safety should be a top priority in all aspect of our life. There are actions that we can take wherever we are—at home, at work, or out in public—to lessen the severity of the potential consequences and ensure the safety of both ourselves and those around us. If we put these suggestions into practice and always maintain an awareness of our environment, we can contribute to making the world a safer place for everyone.

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