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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Amway IBOs Miss The Point?

 Only a handful of Amway supporters remain, who continue to defend the company as if it were the greatest thing to happen since the invention of the sliced bread. There is no doubt that Amway works marvellously for its owners, who are billionaires, and a select few leaders who generate substantial income from the sale of tools (standing orders, functions, voicemail) as well as Amway bonuses and commissions. However, the fundamental idea appears to have been lost.

Essentially, even if Amway owners and certain Amway leaders earn a comfortable living from their businesses, it does not change the fact that most people who try to develop an Amway empire lose a significant amount of money in the process. Many of these bosses earn money straight from the purses of their loyal and trusting subordinates, which is a sad state of affairs. The downline is instructed to put their faith in the leaders and to follow their recommendations. Frequently, that advise is to continue to purchase more and more tools, regardless of how well an IBO's firm is doing. The absence of a business analysis or an examination of profits and losses, as well as a return on investment IBOs are trained to be cheerful, to avoid being pessimistic, and to keep consuming the tools and functions that are available to them.

Failures appear to be widespread in Amway, but leaders attempt to absolve themselves of responsibility by stating that the failures are the product of laziness, a lack of effort, a failure to do things correctly, or a failure to follow through on the part of the IBO. Unfortunately, many independent business owners (IBOs) believe this and blame themselves, even though they worked hard and followed their upline's wise recommendations. I believe that millions of IBOs have lost billions of dollars over the years as they chase the fantasy that was sold to them by their uplines. Given the fact that many independent business owners (IBOs) are sponsored by friends and family, those who leave tend to drift away without much fanfare, absolving Amway and the upline leaders of any liability.

That is something that far too many IBOs overlook. Hard work and following upline suggestions may not always result in success, and in fact, more people lose money in the Amway business than make a profit from it, according to the company. I invite all independent business owners to examine their efforts as well as their income against expenses. You are more than likely spending more money on support materials than you are earning in income at this point. That is the true purpose, and far too many independent business owners overlook it. Losing money does not equate to success.

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