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Saturday, August 14, 2021

What Is An Amway Diamond?

 I used to be an IBO back in the 1990s, and I remember how the crowd treated the gems as if they were floating on water and practically worshipped them. After all, they'd accomplished what everyone had hoped for, right? They were apparently affluent beyond the wildest dreams of most people, and they were able to sleep in until noon every day because they did not have to report to a work. However, if you've been around and saw some of the things I've witnessed, you'll have a different viewpoint.

Essentially, a diamond is an Amway customer who also happens to be an Amway sales representative who works solely on commission and receives no other compensation. Furthermore, Amway effectively owns them because Amway has the authority to suspend their commissions if Amway and the distributor disagree on a variety of commercial matters.

Secondarily, Amway diamonds have a second job/business selling products and functions to complement their primary business. I believe it would be typical for a diamond to earn as much as or more money from tools and functions than from Amway, and that this would be expected. You claim there's no chance? What do you think about this? Despite the fact that diamonds only have to qualify once and may never actually be diamonds again, they can nonetheless appear on stage and earn a career by speaking and selling audio or CDs to a captive audience.

Additionally, tools and functions have a higher markup than Amway products, resulting in the possibility of greater income. In addition to receiving Amway bonuses, rank and file IBOS do not obtain any of the company's tools or functions. It is for this reason that upline emphasises the importance of the tools and functions. However, in the end, a diamond is simply a customer and sales representative for Amway.

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