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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Amway And The System?

 I base this on my personal experience with Amway as well as my blogging experience, as well as observations of other people who provide financial advice, such as real estate gurus who teach you how to buy property with no money down, or others such as Robert Kiyosaki, who all provide testimonials of successful people. It goes without saying that they do not show you the great majority of people who attempt to use their solutions and are unsuccessful. In their systems, they only show the best-case scenario, which may only account for a fraction of one percent of the people that use them.

Whatever the system they use, I am of the informed opinion that the vast majority of people who try them do not make any kind of significant income, if any income at all. This is true whether the system is Amway, World Wide Wealth Development, BWW, or N21, or whether the system is real estate or the cashflow business. Yes, some do, and those are the possibilities that are presented. However, if you watch infomercials, you will see in small text at the bottom of the screen that each person's experience will be different, and that your results may vary. An Amway diamond recording used to have a similar message at the end of it, if my memory serves me correctly.

These systems, in general, do not function properly for a variety of reasons. Many folks just lack the knowledge and ability to navigate the system. Alternatively, the system has too many variables for the system to function properly, or the system requires actions that are outside your control. For example, in order to be successful in Amway, you must typically sponsor others, which is something that is out of the control of the majority of individuals. When you factor in the lazy and those looking for a fast buck, it's obvious that the vast majority will fall short. However, these systems are frequently constructed in such a way that the majority of participants will be unable to achieve success. In no other industry is this more true than in the Amway business, where the pyramidal compensation scheme almost guarantees failure for the lowest level independent business owners (IBO). In addition, it should be pointed out that the usual 6-4-2 Amway plan contains one platinum and 78 downline members. The vast majority, if not all, of these downline members will be losing money.

So, what can be done in this situation? A part-time work, together with investing and saving, may not be as sexy or alluring, but they may be something to consider. Even a part-time business in which you concentrate on selling things for a profit could be successful. It merely seems smart to stay away from these "systems" because the major beneficiaries of these "systems" are the people who directly benefit from their existence. Make sure you do your homework!

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