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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Testimony From A WWDB Prospect

 An IBO from WWDB reached out to me recently with the following response from a prospect who had been invited to see the plan. After taking the time to study about Amway and WWDB, the person who provided the testimony discovered my blog and contact information while conducting additional investigation. This observation, which I received via email, provides valuable insight into Amway and, in particular, WWDB. The following is a breakdown of the emphasis placed on tools and WWDB expenses:

Hello, Joecool.

I'm not sure if you want to include this in your stories or not, but I just thought I'd share my experience during an Amway qualification meeting with you.

I began thinking about doing anything from home as a "supplement" to my present work from home business when I realised how much time I was wasting. I manage a fantastically successful daycare/preschool service for children aged one to five years old, which generates revenues of $3500.00 to $4000.00 per month, excluding legitimate tax write-offs to Canada Revenue. (I include this since it is an important part of my tale.) In addition, I receive a generous tax refund each year!

I started looking into Amway because some of my friends are Independent Business Owners (IBOs), and I wanted to "assist them in their endeavours." When I looked it up on Google, I found a few positive reviews, but the most of them talked of investing money and receiving little in return...

Considering that I am of the small business and self-employed mindset, I initially discounted the situation as others refusing to complete the work, which led me to my second BP. A charming couple was chatting about how mom "finally got to retire and stay home with her kid, and observe all of the baby's milestones......" yack yack, said the man on the board of directors. The couple also claimed that they had been able to accomplish this in three years and that their partner was only two years away from accomplishing the same feat... Yes, that's fantastic. Laird and Alysha Dyck are two of the most talented people I've ever met.

But how did you manage to pull that off? What methods did you use to create leads for your company? How do you make this a long-term endeavour? You're hoping for a certain amount of earnings, right? (ballpark) What kind of up-front expenses are involved? (I'm aware that some businesses incur initial fees when they first get off the ground.)

The upline responded with a "cold hand shake" when I posed these questions and explained that this was necessary to establish a successful business. I was told that this would be addressed at my nuts and bolts meeting, which I had just returned from.....................

AND, to be completely honest....

According to this jerk, my childcare business was too tiny and that I was "not living the dream." Despite the fact that I am not a gazillionaire, my family and I live in a great home and are fairly comfortable (despite the fact that we do not drive mazzorotie cars or anything). My spouse likewise works full time in Network Operations for a local telephone company.

However, we are not living the American dream!!! That's a load of bull!!! At the very least, I am putting my degree to good use, and we (my husband and I) take great delight in what we do. We, on the other hand, are not living the dream. (WTF)???

The main reason I looked into Amway was due of recommendations from friends, as well as a desire to earn more money to help pay off college debt. In addition, credit cards are accepted.

During today's nuts and bolts, the speaker admitted that they don't want people to buy cleaning products; instead, they want them to buy products from companies like Nutralite, Artistry, and the huge "PV BV." He also revealed that he and his wife still work for a living, and that they rely on their tax return at the end of the year to supplement their income. Added to this is his claim of having missed his family's marriage to attend "dreamnight" because they were dedicated and wanted to do everything correctly.. What the hell is wrong with this douchebag??

All of this in front of IBOs during the last stages of the process???????? Nothing was spoken about being a successful IBO, instead they talked about CD's and WW (World Wide) and the spring conference (sp) and other such nonsense.


I went over to them and informed them that if this was what they were looking for from me, I'd be fucking running out the door and that they could kiss my business savvy $$ making ass goodbye...

To my surprise, I was informed that they were interested in making me an offer!

IMPORTANT: THIS IS JUST A REMINDER You will learn absolutely nothing about running a business from those CDs, believe me. There is nothing more or less to it than bragging about how wealthy they are; if you choose to become involved with Amway, which I doubt you will after reading this, DON'T GET ENTANGLED IN THE BRAINWASHING SHIT!! Do not allow them to make you feel bad about yourself for doing a JOB THAT ENSURES YOU RECEIVES A RELIABLE PAYCHECK!!

They are not retired from their occupations since they work exclusively for Amway, if they are being really honest with you...

They are still employed on a 9-to-5 basis...or something similar.

Because I am now witnessing that Amway IBOs are angry control focused weirded out freaks, I figured it would be appropriate to publish it here as a follow up to my Amway qual exp.

In my post from last night, I highlighted how they criticised me for "my tiny business sense," which caused me to lose my cool and has continued to do so...

Today, during my last qual meeting, my "possible upline" provided an overview of the expenditures associated with "the Amway dream." And, to be honest, I was on the verge of pooping my pants. (In Canada, the costs are as follows)

An annual expense of $67.00 is incurred.

(in order to obtain my Amway business licence.) Ahahahahahaha, are you serious? You are, in all fact (and I don't mean to seem like I'm watering it down), a commission-based sales representative, and you have to pay commissions?

A one-time fee of $100.00 is required (for the starter pack)

In addition, there are monthly expenses:

Premier Membership is $50.00 per year (Access to retail website, and training website)

WWDB is worth $25.00.

Communikate is worth $50.00.

"Tools" $15.00 (additional CDs for prospect books, and so on)

In addition to the fees that can sometimes be incurred:

Dreamnight is priced at $75.00.

Board of Directors Plans $10.00/PER PLAN/PER INDIVIDUAL

No hotel, meals, transportation, or NADA are included in the price of major function tickets ranging from $125.00 to 200.00 (only US functions are more expensive).

There is a $30.00 charge for each black box information system (the one that is given to potential IBOs when they indicate interest).

What I see here is a lot of "nothing." In reality, you only need access to your retail website email address, and that's it.... All of the other nonsense isn't necessary, and if you have any business savvy at all, you'll know how to sell yourself regardless of what you do...

When I told them that my tiny business (my home daycare and preschool) was highly successful, they responded by saying that they were different and that I should stop comparing them.... Really though, marketing yourself is something that comes with every business.... but what do I know?? Simply put, I am a dim-witted moron who understands absolutely nothing.... I'm going to need some Amway CDs to help me think and act, am I right? (Sarcasm)

You may expect an annual cost of $1800.00 for the monthly stuff and approximately $2300.00 for functions for the monthly stuff. *drum roll please*

As soon as I told them that I couldn't afford to pay for WWDB or any of the other tools at the time, they responded with "Oh that's okay, some of us are meant to be tiny businesses, while others are meant to have IBO's under them, taking this seriously."


You're going to try to coerce me into doing this????? "I take all business possibilities seriously, but I am not willing to default on my mortgage payment, electricity, and other obligations in order to make this "dream come true"!! I responded.

"I recognise that there are business expenditures associated with every business, but I will only do this when and if I am ready to do so, and only on my terms and within my budget..." I also added.

It was then said, "Well, perhaps ****** and ****** can sit down with you and go over a budget so that Amway requirements might work to your advantage." "No thank you," I responded emphatically. "I have my own accountant, and I already have a spread sheet with my commitments, which only my husband and I are aware of."

During this coffee meeting, I was also informed of some rather weird rules regarding what I was permitted and prohibited from wearing to any Amway-related events.

Only upliine women were allowed to speak, and we were careful not to "mess with their relationships" and to "always prioritise our relationships with our spouses."

Since it was a male who introduced me to Amway's business in the first place, I snarl, "So I'm not allowed to speak with ******?" What exactly are you trying to tell me?" "No, but anything Amway...or Amway connected must go through ******* at all times," they responded (the wife).

Seriously, are you kidding me??

It's interesting to note that they're still interested in making me an offer....

The fact that I am a wheelchair user may have given them the impression that I was a straightforward target.

What a bunch of jerks!!!

Although I did have a question about whether it was worthwhile to simply sell something here and there without getting all of this other nonsense in return.

Thank you very much.

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