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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Where Are They?

 A common technique used to encourage Amway prospects to join the organisation is the promise of passive residual revenue that would continue to accrue even after the prospect has stopped working. Alternatively, as some IBOs put it, you only have to do the task once and it will pay you for the rest of your days. Although it appears to be a fantastic hypothesis, does it actually work? So, why aren't there more folks who retired as an Amway IBO and are now simply wandering the beaches and collecting bonus checks? The reason why crown ambassadors and double diamonds continue to work until they pass away or continue to perform their duties without showing indications of slowing down? Some Amway defenders assert that these individuals like working for the company, but I would argue that they do so in order to maintain their extravagant lifestyles, and that their revenue from the tools and functions would cease if they did not continue to work.

Why aren't any of these retired Amway representatives stepping forward to confirm that they accomplished the task and then moved away while the dispute over this purported revenue from Amway continues to rage? What happened to them? Is it true that they exist? I'm talking about folks who believe in UFOs and Sasquatch (also known as bigfoot), and while these notions are well-known, there has never been solid evidence that a UFO or a Sasquatch body has ever been discovered. I believe that UFOs or Bigfoot are feasible, but there is just no evidence to support this claim. Several hoaxes were discovered in connection with these concerns, but no solid evidence was found.......................... Everyone seems to be aware of it, and many have asserted that UFOs and Sasquatch are real, yet there isn't a single important piece of proof to support this assertion. The same can be said for Amway diamonds that have retired or "walked away from the business."

It appears to be essentially the same situation with Amway residual income. There have been numerous stories and comments made about Amway providing lifelong passive residual income, but all of the information I have seen indicates that this is not the case. Is it possible to make a compelling case that the AMWAY opportunity may offer you with lifetime residual income when half to two-thirds of Amway independent business owners do nothing or quit within a year and more than 95 percent of IBOs never last five years? Even individuals who have reached positions where they are supposedly able to walk away and collect income do not take use of this opportunity. What is the reason for this? Does it continue to be the case because they enjoy flying across the country to work activities all year long, or is it the more likely scenario that they continue to work because they have no other choice?

Diamonds are a symbol of a very extravagant lifestyle. Lifestyles that are almost certainly not possible to maintain on the incomes reported by Amway. In other words, is Amway's lifetime passive residual income a myth or a reality? I believe this is a fabrication spread by AMOs (the systems), since if it were genuine, you would hear it directly from Amway. If people are actually walking away from their Amway businesses and living in luxury, then where have they gone to find themselves? They most likely don't exist in the first place.

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