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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Never Quit Amway?

 "Never Quit" was one of the things I regularly heard when I was an IBO. To quit seemed like the kiss of death as an IBO. I believe that the never quit mantra can be effective if the adage was meant to read as never quit trying, or never cease attempting to better yourself. But in the Amway industry, when uplines talk about never stop, what they mean is never quit doing 100 PV and never quit buying tools. Sometimes a wide business decision is to quit and do something else.

I find it strange that so many IBOs conceive of the diamonds on stage as being mentors to them. In truth, these jewels don't know most of their devoted downline IBOs. They don't know their specific circumstances or whether they are growing in building their firm, hence a broad "never quit" statement is dishonest at best. It seems that the never quit saying is a self serving thought, especially because the upline diamond benefits financially by an IBO being on board with the Amway and the tools programme.

When you stop and consider for a moment, your upline benefits financially from practically every facet of the business. You advance 100 PV and you get 3 percent while somewhere upline, roughly 28 - 30 percent bonus gets divided by your sponsor and additional uplines. Your voicemail account is profit for upline. Your website profits upline, standing order, book of the month and functions all pour money into your upline's pocketbook. In reality, it seems like IBOs pay through their teeth for practically every bit of information they receive, regardless of any success in Amway.

If your upline actually knew crucial knowledge that would make your business develop, why would they want to keep that information from downline? Perhaps your superiors aren't actually interested in your success? Perhaps they are simply interested in your money? Is this the reason why the battle cry "never give up" is used? How many IBOs does your upline diamond take the time to get to know on a personal level? Does your upline diamond take the time to get to know as many IBOs as possible? Do they have any knowledge of your specific circumstances? Is it true that they are genuinely concerned about your success? They couldn't possibly stand on a stage and proclaim "never quit" if they truly cared.

Ironically, many a diamond did not heed their own words of wisdom in this case. In recent years, many a diamond has called it quits. This leads one to question why someone would give up after obtaining diamond status. It begs the question of why anyone would quit when you can "walk the beaches" and continue to earn a living while doing so. This chance might not be as good as you've been made to believe, after all.

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