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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Justifying Amway Failure?

 As an Amway Independent Business Owner, one of the things I learned was that we, as typical working men, have a tendency to justify our existence. To give an example, we might say to others, "I'm doing okay," at least in terms of our financial circumstances. This is how we explain away our apparent lack of financial resources. As a result, my upline would speak of growing the business to the point where money is actually flowing in. However, based on my views and some physical data, we know that many diamonds, and certainly those below diamond, do not have a steady stream of money streaming into their operations.. In reality, I believe that many diamonds are in debt and may be surviving on a month-to-month basis. Because annual bonuses account for a large portion of a diamond's income, it is feasible that the diamond's monthly bonus from Amway is insignificant. It is for this reason that I have stated on numerous occasions that many diamonds are most likely living fairly middle-class lives despite attempting to depict a fantastic jet-set existence. It is for this reason that I believe a large number of diamonds are either broke or on the verge of being broke. When you look at the numbers, it all makes sense.

And if diamonds can experience financial difficulties, it is safe to assume that IBOs are also experiencing difficulties. Many Amway recruits are experiencing financial difficulties or earning insufficient income, which is one of the reasons why the company appeals to them in the first place. It was for this reason that Amway piqued my interest at the time I was involved. Many people believe that joining Amway will make them wealthy. However, while uplines may have stated that Amway is not a get rich quick scheme, the prospect must have been told that they will eventually become wealthy, else why would anyone sign up in the first place?

However, in the grand scheme of things, IBOs are no different from other people. They also provide justifications for their actions. In fact, many people are taught to defend their actions. It is for this reason that I continue to see IBOs stating that Amway saves marriages. One IBO recently asserted the age-old assertion that the world has a 60 percent divorce rate, whereas WWDB IBOs have a 2 percent divorce rate, which is a long way from the truth. That, however, is not the case in my opinion. According to my estimation, in many cases, Amway is the primary reason for a couple's separation or divorce. And, in fact, if IBOs and their leaders did not assert their right to do so, this would not be a problem. Unlike these IBOs, I believe the divorce rate among WWDB gems is already greater than what they indicate. In contrast, the upline just covers up scandals, while the downlines ignore the lies and cover ups.

The assertion made by IBOs that they are assisting people by growing the business is another amusing one. In what way can enrolling someone in a business where they are almost certain to lose money serve to help them? What do Independent Business Owners (IBOs) accomplish that is beneficial to others? While IBOs are at gatherings or prospecting, other people are participating in community service initiatives or preparing meals for the hungry. I challenge an Amway IBO to explain how getting people into the company is beneficial to him or her. Many Independent Business Owners (IBOs) believe that their experience with Amway has made them kinder individuals. However, this is a business, and businesses exist in order to earn a profit, therefore if this is the case, then it is a wonderful bonus. How many people would sign up if they were solely interested in accomplishing their goals and not making money?

IBOs, are you achieving success or are you justification yourself?

Amway is a firm that has been in operation for over 60 years and engages in multi-level marketing, sometimes known as MLM. Many Amway distributors have had difficulty turning a profit or even recouping their initial investment, while others have enjoyed enormous success and financial rewards as a result of their participation in the company. Because of this, there is frequently a need to provide an explanation for Amway failure, not only for people who have been through it but also for others who are considering becoming a part of the firm.

It is usual practice to place blame for Amway's failure on external variables such as the current state of the market or the level of competition. Distributors may assert, for instance, that the market for Amway products has become oversaturated or that they are unable to compete with other multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations. Although there is some validity to the allegations being made, it is essential to keep in mind that numerous great businesspeople have triumphed over obstacles of a similar nature by being creative, working diligently, and remaining steadfast.

Another justification for Amway's failure is to place the blame on the distributors themselves, claiming that they did not put in sufficient effort or that they did not follow the Amway method in the correct manner. It's possible for distributors to argue that they did not put enough of their attention into selling products, not attending enough meetings, or recruiting enough people into their downline. Although it is true that being successful in Amway needs a lot of effort and attention on your part, it is also necessary to grasp the limitations of the MLM model and the difficulties that come with recruiting and maintaining downline members.

Some people may also rationalize Amway's failure by pointing to the enormous fees connected with becoming a member of Amway and keeping one's Amway business going. In order for a distributor to keep their active status, they need to acquire a beginning kit, continue to attend meetings and other training events, and keep a monthly product order. In addition, the requirement to consistently sell and attract new members can result in a considerable expenditure of both time and money, with no assurance that the effort will be fruitful.

In the end, it is essential to have a fair stance while discussing the downfall of Amway. Even if circumstances beyond one's control and one's own decisions can play a part in one's level of success or failure, it is critical to be aware of the inherent limitations of the MLM model as well as the difficulties associated with constructing a profitable business using this approach. Those who have failed at Amway have the option of either blaming themselves or others for their failure, or they can use the lessons they've learned to move on with their lives and look for other possibilities to be successful.

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