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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Amway House Of Cards?

 When I was an IBO, I worked in the WWDB department. I was told that they were the best LOS, that they were the quickest growing, and that they had the most talented leaders. We were instructed to examine the fruit on the tree, as this, we were told, was conclusive confirmation that WWDB was the best. At the time, I was certain of everything. After all, my upline diamond was one of the most rapid to reach that level, and things were looking up for him and the company. A recent event at the Kingdome in Seattle had more than 50,000 people in attendance, and I was interested in attending (at that time). We were informed that none of the functionalities and other tools generated a single cent of revenue. That upline used the proceeds to improve and make functions more affordable for IBOs. It all sounded like a fantastic company, and I was positive that I would become wealthy if I simply followed the system and the guidance of its outstanding executives.

After a year, I decided to leave. Not because I was unable to build the business, but because my upline had become overbearing, demanding that I submit to him, giving me bad advice, and being unable to provide an answer when I inquired as to why I had reached the level of 4000 with the proper parameters but was not making any net profit was frustrating. There was no compelling reason for me to spend all of my time and money establishing a firm that would yield no return, so I gave up. My choice to resign was also influenced by my upline's recommendation that I dunp my finacee' in order to concentrate on Amway. My life returned to normal when I left Amway, until one day I chance to come across a website called Quixtar blog, which changed my life forever. This is when I understood how many lies I had been taught and how poorly our uplines had taken advantage of IBOs at the lower levels of our downlines.

It appears that the WWDB house of cards began to come crumbling down when a couple of WWDB diamonds were dealt.

Having one's home foreclosed on. We later came across a blog article stating that a WWDB triple diamond was in the process of being liquidated. Immediately following that, Ron Puryear's river house was put on the market, followed by ads for other WWDB diamonds who were selling their properties. Though they may be selling the homes to offload some cash or downsize, the timing of the sale appears to be unusual given the current state of the property market and the fact that the homes were purchased in cash, as many a diamond claims, Obviously, the Amway business in the United States is diminishing, and with less sales and IBOs, there is less income from tools and Amway bonuses, so possibly some of these gems are unable to afford these mansions any longer. Add in rumours of a famous WWDB diamond separating from his wife, as well as rumours of a few of WWDB diamonds leaving the WWDB system to build their own systems, and it's easy to see why the WWDB system is in trouble.

According to my belief, many diamonds may be in significant debt because, even with a good income, their extravagant lifestyles, as depicted in functions, simply cannot be supported unless they have other significant sources of income in addition to diamonds. In fact, because a big percentage of a diamond's revenue is derived from annual bonuses, a diamond's monthly income may be insignificant. It looks to me that the WWDB is on fragile ground, and some of their hypocrisy is being exposed as a result of this. They appear to have constructed a house of cards, which is now in danger of collapsing.

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