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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A Bad Amway Upline?

 According to a recent remark left on this site, it is possible that I had a terrible upline, which contributed to my negative experience with Amway. However, even if this is true, I have to wonder how anyone could possible know who may be a good or a bad upline. All of the Lines of Sponsorship, such as WWDB, BWW, or Network21 sell tools, which include books, CDs/audios, functions and meetings, as well as voicemail. This is my understanding of the situation. They all profit from the sale of these products, and as a result, they all advocate for the use of these materials. According to what I've heard, many uplines make more money selling tools than they do selling Amway products.

That certain uplines would make more money on tools than on Amway items makes perfect sense because tools have a higher profit margin than Amway products and because to market these tools, uplines must travel from city to city to organise activities, detracting time away from their Amway businesses. Furthermore, while many organisations may claim that tools are an optional investment, many organisations push them as a de facto need. For example, I've heard that tools were optional, but that success was not as well. Alternatively, it may be said that no one has ever succeeded without the use of tools, but I could be the first to attempt. My sponsor also informed me that Greg Duncan was a multi-millionaire and that he believed that tools were essential, but he encouraged me to experiment on my own if I believed I knew better. What is the best way for a new IBO to think? It certainly sounds like only an idiot would attempt to start a business without the proper tools.

The fact that I can have a conversation with Amway advocates or defenders who claim that I simply had a lousy upline and then discover that they have the same upline as I do is entertaining in some ways. The fact that I was in WWDB and that the same leaders are on stage today as I was then is astounding. The same leaders that were on stage when I was an IBO were back on stage this time. Some of these leaders once told outright lies, such as the claim that no one made a cent of profit on tools or the claim that WWDB was a non-profit organisation. Because of some unknown reason, IBOs do not appear to be bothered that their upline leaders gave them these lies. They also make the error of believing that everything their upline says them today is correct.

IBOs have gone so far as to deny facts that are already public knowledge, such as Greg Duncan's chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings or Brad Wolgamott's divorce, among other things. It appears that uplines simply rewrite history, and that downlines accept this interpretation without questioning or holding upline leaders accountable for their actions. I feel that these leaders should be held accountable and to a higher level as a result of the substantial profits they have made from the selling of tools over the course of many years. Another source of concern is the complete absence of success that has resulted from the tried and true system. Where have all of the new gems gone? Since I retired from the diamond business in 1998 or so, I can't recall seeing more than a handful of new WWDB (my old LOS) diamonds from the United States. It should also be mentioned that some diamonds have been removed off the market since my tenure in the industry.

As a result, I re-pose the question. How would an IBO or a prospect know if they were working with a terrible upline? The majority of people discover this when they eventually see the light or when they observe that their losses are increasing month after month. I hope that by writing this blog, knowledge searchers will be able to see the light.

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