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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Success Is Obvious?

 One of the things that the Amway diamonds and other wealthy individuals enjoy doing is showing off their money. They arrive at meetings in flashy automobiles, they prefer to dress in posh suits, and my old LOS, WWDB, even hosted and continues to host a gathering known as "Dream Night." Dream Night is the time of year when the diamonds display photographs of homes, private aircraft, luxury automobiles, and exotic trips, and they proclaim that everyone will one day join them in their lives of luxury and extravagance. However, despite these extravagant displays of riches, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that these jewels may not be able to purchase all of these extras. In fact, I have a strong suspicion that many diamonds are in debt because they are unable to maintain their fairy tale lifestyles on their incomes alone, even after factoring in Amway and tool sales. Now, I'm not arguing that all diamonds are in financial trouble, but I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were in debt at any point in their lives. Given that the United States has a large number of people who are in debt, why wouldn't people who live lifestyles of excess also be in debt?

Even lower-level IBOs make an effort to appear prosperous. When you look at the cars that these IBOs are driving around in the parking lot of functions, you may get a more accurate picture of their reality than if they were dressed neatly and such. At one of the neighbourhood festivities, I recall seeing a large number of broken down cars, some of which were on their final legs. While speaking with some of these kind individuals, you would learn that they are doing really well, and that business is growing.

But my point is, why isn't all of Amway's success immediately apparent? Why do Independent Business Owners (IBOs) avoid answering queries about how much money they make from Amway? For what reason does the diamond industry enjoy copying an annual bonus and claiming to earn the same amount of money month after month? If a room full of IBOs were to rise up and only those who had made a NET profit were to do so, only a small number of IBOs would be present, according to this scenario. The vast majority of the remaining workforce is unlikely to earn enough to afford the expense of their voicemail.

Why is it impossible for an entire group of IBOs to have a net profit? The solution is straightforward. In the vast majority of groups, the cost of tools outweighs the group money earned through Amway by a significant margin. It's simple to see if you do the math. Except if your group refuses to purchase any tools and instead concentrates on selling items, you will almost certainly end up losing money. Success does not come easily, and the reason for this is self-evident to anyone.

The widespread misunderstanding that success is clear is one of the factors that can contribute to feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment. In spite of the fact that it may look that successful people have attained their success simply and without putting in a lot of effort, this is frequently not the case. It is rare for success to come quickly, and when it does, it typically demands a significant amount of effort, dedication, and endurance.

Success can also be defined differently by many individuals, and what one person considers to be successful may not be the same thing that another considers to be successful. For some people, success means accumulating a large amount of material riches; for others, it means accomplishing certain personal objectives, such as enhancing their health or the quality of their relationships.

In addition, success is often a relative concept that is determined by a variety of elements, including the specific individual's circumstances, resources, and opportunities. For instance, a person who is born into a wealthy family is likely to have access to more resources and chances than someone who is born into poverty on their path to achieving financial success.

There are certain characteristics and behaviors that can boost the likelihood of success, despite the fact that success may not be immediately apparent. These are the following:

having a distinct picture in one's mind and establishing goals that are attainable.

People that are successful frequently have a distinct idea of what it is they want to accomplish in their lives and create attainable objectives to guide them along the way. Individuals benefit from having a sense of direction and motivation, as well as the ability to monitor their progress and make modifications as required when they set clear goals for themselves.

Putting oneself out there and being willing to accept defeat.

It is uncommon that one achieves success over night, and getting there frequently requires one to take some risks and learn from their experiences along the route. Individuals that achieve success are those who take action and view failure as a valuable learning and development opportunity. They use the lessons learned from their mistakes and defeats to motivate them to try again, so developing their resilience and tenacity.

forming a solid commitment to hard labor.

To achieve one's goals typically demands a significant amount of labor, commitment, and perseverance. Individuals that are successful are able to maintain a consistent and disciplined approach to their job and direct the majority of their time and energy towards tasks that are in alignment with their goals.

Having a never-ending thirst for knowledge and improvement.

Because of the rapid pace of change in the world, it is essential to continually expand one's skill set and knowledge base in order to maintain one's relevance and competitive advantage. People that are successful make an investment in their own personal and professional growth by doing things such as reading books, going to seminars and workshops, and searching for mentors and coaches who can guide them in their learning and development.

In conclusion, success does not always present itself in a clear cut manner, and it frequently calls for a great deal of effort, dedication, and endurance. Success can mean different things to different individuals, but having a clear vision, creating objectives that are attainable, taking action, learning to embrace failure, developing a strong work ethic, and consistently learning and improving are important qualities and behaviors that can boost the likelihood of success. Keep in mind that success is a process, not an end goal, and that attaining it frequently calls for things like patience, tenacity, and an open mind.

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