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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

There Are No Statues Of Critics?

 "There are no statues of critics," I heard a lot in Amway, and that stuck with me. In response, I would point you that there are no statues of Amway diamonds on display either.

I've often wondered what the Amway opportunity would be like if there weren't any naysayers. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) would most likely be happily developing their businesses while mindlessly following upline suggestions to consume excessive amounts of PV and Amway-related tools and functions. In WWDB, have you noticed that your upline is constantly keeping track of how many audios you are sending downline as well as how many individuals are attending events? Because the upline is attempting to prepare and make preparations for their predicted income, this is being done. If you do the math on a major function, you will quickly understand what I mean.

Many Amway fans believe that criticism exist solely for the purpose of tearing others down or defaming the Amway opportunity. It appears to me to be the polar opposite. I believe that Amway criticism are vital for Independent Business Owners (IBOs). IBOs would wrongly assume that they were living in Amway utopia if there was no one to speak out against them, except that they would soon realise that they were losing their shirts. When an alternative viewpoint is heard, it can bring up topics that you may not have previously considered. Consider what your life would be like if you were unable to perceive pain. Undiscovered injuries or illnesses could lead to death if they are not treated quickly and effectively. However, it's likely that your upline instructs employees to "avoid negativity." Avoiding excessive negativity may be beneficial, but avoiding all negativity is equivalent to being unable to feel pain.

When I was an IBO, our upline (and many others, it seemed) insisted that no one made any money from the system (which included voicemail, books, tapes/cds, and other features). It's possible that this will continue to occur in the absence of any countervailing voices. IBOs had no way of knowing what was going on. Upline simply made up outrageous lies and got away with it. None of these "great" leaders has ever been held accountable for their deceptions, and this continues to this day. It was completely overlooked by the diamonds. It's true that they are now talking about making some money from tools, but there is little openness about how you actually qualify for a share and how much money you receive when you do qualify. What is the reason for this?

Critics have also pointed out that many independent business owners (IBOs) are instructed to ignore vital data such as their profits versus losses. Some Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are encouraged to "fake it until you make it" or to "purchase from yourself," both of which are ludicrous from a business sense. IBOs, on the other hand, would never question their upline if they did not have an alternate viewpoint. In reality, many IBOs are trained to avoid everything that is bad, such as watching the news or reading the newspaper, among other things. To put it another way, upline wants you to remain apathetic and merely read and absorb their Amway marketing materials. This is one of the reasons why some individuals believe Amway's leaders are conducting a cult.

Consider the following: I believe that having competing points of view is really crucial for IBOs to take into consideration. Valid criticism is beneficial to independent business owners who are serious about growing their businesses. It is beneficial to get constructive criticism. If you believe constructive criticism to be negative, keep in mind that there are no monuments of Amway diamonds, at least as far as I am aware.

It is a popular statement that those who critique or criticize the work of others are often forgotten or disregarded in the larger scheme of things. This concept is highlighted by the saying "there are no statues of critics," which is a typical expression used to highlight this idea. The expression is frequently used in the context of art, literature, or other creative fields, where critics play a vital role in evaluating and interpreting works but may not earn the same fame or praise as the artists themselves. The phrase "critical reception"

The meaning of this expression is meant to convey the concept that while artists and creators are frequently honored for their achievements, critics who assess and evaluate such accomplishments are frequently overlooked or disregarded. This can be observed in the fact that there are very few memorials or statues devoted to critics, in contrast to the large number of sculptures and memorials that have been erected in honor of well-known artists or historical people.

Having said that, the phrase can also be construed in a more general sense to refer to any subject in which there are creators and assessors. Entrepreneurs who found successful organizations, for instance, are frequently honored and lauded in the business world, yet individuals who criticize or assess the performance of such companies might not receive the same respect. In a similar vein, in politics, political leaders who make courageous decisions or achieve real change may be remembered for their contributions, whereas political detractors who oppose or dispute such decisions may not be as well-known or praised for their work.

It's crucial to keep in mind that criticism can play a significant part in molding and enhancing creative works, enterprises, and other initiatives, despite the fact that the expression "there are no statues of critics" may give the impression that criticism is underestimated or underappreciated. However, it's important to remember that criticism can play this function. Critique that is offered in a constructive manner can assist creative professionals in honing their trade, company owners in honing their business strategy, and political decision-makers in becoming more knowledgeable. Without constructive feedback and analysis, it can be challenging to create progress that is meaningful or to achieve success over the long run.

In conclusion, despite the fact that the saying "there are no statues of critics" may give the impression that critics are neglected or underappreciated, it is essential to acknowledge the significant part that criticism and evaluation play in creating and enhancing creative works, businesses, and other types of undertakings. Even though critics may not have monuments or plaques erected in their honor, the contributions they make are nonetheless significant and useful, and they can be a driving force behind advancement and achievement in a broad variety of professions.

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