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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

IBOs Are "Playing" Amway?

 One thing my sponsor frequently reminded the group of was the fact that many of us were "playing" Amway at the time. Many individuals can listen to a tape or CD every day, read a success book 15-30 minutes every day, attend all of the gatherings, utilise and/or sell 100 PV or more each month, but they will never make any progress in their business, as he put it. His main point was that you are just playing Amway as long as you are not demonstrating the plan and sponsoring downline. And, while I agree with you, I honestly believe that the majority of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) simply "play" the company.

They are capable of doing the majority of the CORE tasks, such as listening to standing orders or cds on a daily basis. They can read every day and participate in all of the events. They are even permitted to utilise and sell Amway merchandise. However, as a result of earlier IBO behaviour, many people have been unable to convince anyone to view the plan, let alone sponsor others. According to the general consensus (at least in the United States and Canada), everyone knows someone who was deceived or duped into attending an Amway meeting. This alone has given Amway a sinister reputation, and the mere mention of the company's name can cause customers to flee the premises. I was misled into attending a meeting once, and as an IBO, I witnessed people jump up, curse, and storm out of the room because they had been lied to or tricked into attending a meeting based on the curiosity approach to begin with.

I do not feel that independent business owners in general are dishonest or deceptive. I feel that the most of them are likely motivated, want more in life, and dedicated to their jobs. They are, nevertheless, taught to reproduce or copy the actions of their superiors. I feel that some of the tenured executives are the ones who teach harmful business methods that are reproduced and spread like an infectious disease, much like the spread of a disease. As a result, I believe Amway's North American sales have suffered, to the point where they no longer publish North American sales separately from global sales.

Stopping and taking a deep breath allows you to notice the cracks in the armour of the previously invincible and "divine" gems, as well as the signs of their vulnerability. Diamonds are suing other diamonds as well as Amway, according to the news. Diamonds are losing their houses as a result of foreclosure (so much for paying cash). A triple diamond was in chapter 7 bankruptcy, and hoards of diamonds were fleeing their LOS, as well as their "amazing" instructors and longtime friends, to form their own LOS, which was later dissolved. What is causing this to happen? I believe it is due to greed on the part of the government. What other reason would you give up a "mentor" and a "lifelong buddy" to start your own legal services company? It's all about the money these days.

Unfortunately, while all of this is going on, the majority of independent business owners (IBOs) come and go, lose money, and "play Amway." That this has continued for so long makes me really sad, and it appears that my former LOS, WWDB, has been the worst of the bunch, with no apparent improvement over the last 15 years or so.

You can work extremely hard at "playing Amway," but you will most likely not make enough net profit to cover the cost of a McDonald's value lunch. You are, of course, welcome to disprove my assertions.

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