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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Amway Reality?

 When I was an independent business owner, I saw the Amway presentation numerous times. At the moment, the 6-4-2 plan was being demonstrated by the individual displaying the plan. While there have been some alterations since then, the essential principle remains the same: to display luxurious automobiles, luxurious homes, and a luxurious lifestyle while attributing it to the Amway business. Frequently, the presentation will depict the best-case scenario for IBOs while completely ignoring the reality for the majority of them. It is permissible to discuss dreams and aspirations. Dreams of early retirement and a residual income stream that will last for generations while you and your family get up at noon every day and determine what fun activities you will participate in for the rest of the day. The presentation is undoubtedly thought-provoking and has the potential to pique people's curiosity. Who wouldn't want to quit their work if it meant they could be "retired" and have extra money coming in with little effort on their part?

Unfortunately for the majority, reality will come in sooner or later, and many will be forced to do little or nothing. Some will give it their best effort and will eventually come to terms with the realities of the business. The reality is that it is nearly impossible to start and maintain a successful business. While a small number of people may be successful and make some money in this endeavour, the vast majority of people, including those who work hard and master the skills of the profession, will either make nothing or lose money in the process. It is almost certain that an IBO will incur a net loss if they participate in the tool system that incorporates functions. While this will be minimised by upline leaders, it is unquestionably the reality for the vast majority of people.

What is it about starting a business that makes it so difficult? There are a variety of causes behind this. In general, Amway's products are not competitively priced in the marketplace. In most cases, large box retailers sell the same or similar products at a lower price than independent retailers. In many cases, the quality is superior than or on par with that of the competition. That is not to argue that there isn't something worthwhile in Amway's products. Some of their products are decently nice and offer good value for money. In general, however, you can obtain a better deal at other retailers by shopping around. As a result, many independent business owners (IBOs) find it difficult to market Amway products, with the exception of family and friends. What makes it even more difficult for IBOs is that they are largely responsible for product distribution through person-to-person interaction, as advertising is either restricted or outlawed entirely under Amway's guidelines.

Aside from that, IBO retention makes it practically impossible to maintain a group, and the possibility of "residual" revenue is virtually non-existent, with the exception of certain very tenured and old timers who have really deep legs (downlines). I don't personally know of anyone who has retired or walked away from the Amway business while still earning a living from the company. It is understandable that certain crown ambassadors and double diamonds continue to work the parties when they could be vacationing on a beautiful tropical island instead.

When you add in some wild IBO conduct and IBO's shenanigans, it's easy to see why the Amway business is so difficult to establish and maintain. Innumerable accounts have been documented of people being duped into attending Amway meetings, as well as of people being lied to or fooled by an Independent Business Owner. You can plainly understand that creating and maintaining an Amway business is next to impossible when you have this kind of reputation. That is the truth of the situation. The reality is that the vast majority of IBOs who give it their all would lose money if they participate in the seminars and standing orders offered by the company. Realistically, it is possible that uplines make the majority of their money from the selling of tools rather than through Amway. The reality is that building and maintaining a downline is virtually impossible..

The fact that IBOs and Amway apologists may portray a different picture does not change the reality, which is crystal apparent in my opinion.

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