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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

There's No PV For Watching TV?

 Upline would frequently give you advice, such as "there is no PV for watching TV," which you would ignore. Even while it sounds reasonable at first, when you seriously examine the advise, you will quickly realise that it is a load of nonsense. While "broke people" with no purpose in life squander their time watching television and engaging in other things that have no bearing on their financial destinies, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) spend their time striving to better themselves. On the surface, this appears to be entirely sensible advice, and it makes complete sense if you're an independent business owner. If you could be out trying to grow your Amway business instead of sitting on the couch, would you? Right? After all, even the poor watch television.

Let us, however, pause for a moment and turn this around. Attending a function does not result in any PV. The act of reading a self-help book or a Robert Kiyosaki book does not provide any PV. Neither subscribing to standing orders nor using communiKATE will result in any PV. There is no PV for participating in any meetings, and there is no PV for the majority of the CORE steps as well. Technically speaking, IBOs would be better served if they concentrated on personal use and did not engage in direct sales to clients at all. The only way to increase your volume is to increase the amount of PV you have. Now, sponsoring has the potential to increase volume, but the vast majority of IBOs never sponsor a single downline in their entire careers. Consequently, if your upline advises you not to participate in activities that do not result in PV, remind them that these activities include Amway-related activities.

To make matters worse, Amway activities like as standing orders and functions are expensive and divert resources away from the IBO's ability to invest in items and activities that the upline profits from. Consequently, the upline gives advise that is self-serving: "attend all functions and listen to audios on a daily basis." When you truly think about it, what tangible value did participating in Amway-related events have on your company? Your efforts would be in vain until you increase the amount of your activity. It has no effect on the growth of your business or your PV/volume. All you are accomplishing is increasing the wealth of your upline through repeat purchases of tools and functions. That is the nature of the Amway business. IBOs believe they will become wealthy through Amway, whereas upline diamonds believe they will become wealthy through the sale of tools to their downline. You live with the classes when you sell to the masses, to borrow a phrase from another culture. In fact, that's exactly what the diamonds are doing. Profits are generated by capitalising on a captive audience that makes repeat purchases.

This week, Joecool will not be publishing any new blog pieces on his website. I'm taking a flight to the mainland in order to watch an NFL game. I'm completing things that I've wanted to do for a long time but haven't had the time or resources to do so until now, thanks to my savings and investments. I'd want to point out that this is without the involvement of Amway. It's been a wonderful life, even without Amway. :)

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