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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Amway IBOs Prey On The Needy?

 One of the most important lessons I learned from my upline was the importance of recruiting those who are in need. People who are short on time and/or money, according to what I've been informed, are ideal candidates. You look for a need and take advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate the plan. Someone who is looking for a better salary is more likely to be open-minded than someone who is not. It is also the reason why the top level pins will exhibit indicators of riches as an enticement, in order to pique people's curiosity and ideally get them excited about seeing the plan, and in order to encourage them to register for the opportunity. IBOs will pass a copy of an upline's check throughout the room.

Recruits will be questioned about their aspirations. Afterwards, Amway recruiters will provide a "best case scenario" of people who appear to be surrounded by money. It goes without saying that they will not show you what is likely, which is a net loss as a result of the "system."

At this point, the recruit may begin to doubt if he or she will be able to achieve the same degree of success as his or her predecessor. The recruit begins to wonder if he will be able to locate "six," as they refer to it in the plan. In a 2004 segment of Dateline, the camera zoomed in on persons who were in attendance at a party. Some poor saps were in tears as they walked down the street. They most likely desired victory so intensely that they could almost taste it. They believe that it is unquestionably within their grasp. It's similar to how you can see the end of a rainbow, but you can never actually get there. That is how the great majority of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) achieve success. They want success and are willing to put in the effort to achieve it, but unfortunately, it will never come to pass.

Despite the fact that there are only a few persons on stage, there are thousands of people in the crowd. That's the way things have always worked out. Unless the compensation scheme changes, this is likely to be the case for the foreseeable future. The 6-4-2 plan contains 79 IBOs with a total PV of 100. When you take into account the people who never do anything and the ones who resign, it is reasonable to anticipate that you will require significantly more than 78 downline to establish a platinum business. And a platinum business is roughly the point at which you begin to break even, or even generate a tiny net profit, depending on your level of attention to the teaching system, which consumes IBO's resources. This is due to the financial burden associated with participating in a system such as BWW, WWDB, or N21, among others.

The majority of IBOs that decide to give the business and the techniques a shot will almost certainly wind up wasting their time and money. I'm wasting my time and money. Unfortunately, the majority of IBOs join in the hopes of gaining more time and money. Contrary to popular belief, what they seek is precisely what they have less of as a result of their involvement with the systems and Amway

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