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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Amway Haves and Have Nots?

 Amway recruiters typically hold their meetings in hotels or convention centres, or they may have events in huge venues. Anyone who has been prospected or had an experience with Amway has most certainly attended a recruitment meeting. There may have been several hundred to several thousand people in attendance, and if it was a large event, you could have been seated with tens of thousands of other Amway aspirants. During a function in the (then) Seattle King Dome in the early 1990s, my former sponsor informed me about an event that drew approximately 40,000 IBOs. Being in a room with so many people, especially when they are all so enthusiastic about the event, must be a little exciting, I suppose. All in all, it appears like everyone there is planning to "go diamond."

Invisible to naive prospects and Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) is the fact that the folks on stage are the haves, while the people in the audience are the have-nots. Like going to a Bruno Mars concert, only that Bruno doesn't tell the crowd that they will one day be on the stage with him, making a financial fortune by doing what he does, as he does with the rest of the world. Those who believe they will one day be the next Bruno Mars and perform on a stage in front of thousands of people are among the most delusional among us. They pay their admission money and then sit back and enjoy the entertainment. On the surface, an Amway function is similar to the last one, except that the diamonds lie and announce that "anyone can do it" and that members of the crowd will join them on stage.

Sure, every once in a while, someone may overcome the great obstacles and challenges to become a diamond, but since I left Amwat and WWDB, more diamonds have died than have been born since I left the two organisations (in North America). It appears that the same old gems are still around, and that the same old tiresome ideals of never giving up and loyalty to the tool system are still being taught. And, after all, why not? The haves profit from the tools, while the have nots are responsible for paying for the tools. In a way, Amway is similar to the real world, where there are haves and have nots. However, on Amway and other MLM platforms, the have nots are led to believe that they can join the elite and appear on stage with them at festivities. In case you're looking for facts, the bottom line is that those who sell function tickets make handsome gains, however people who buy function tickets will make no money, or even lose money, most likely as a result of the high cost of tools and function tickets, as previously said.

When I was discussing a pro-Amway/WWDB person recently, he claimed that his expenses were minimal, which is completely incongruent with WWDB teaching methods and practises. As an added bonus, he states that his upline Diamond has the financial wherewithal to rent an apartment for $20,000 a month while remodelling his multimillion-dollar property. Is this a true statement? But even if it were true, I seriously doubt that anyone is making $20k per month selling LOC or vitamins at this time. However, selling event tickets, CDs, or voicemail subscriptions may produce tens of thousands of dollars in monthly revenue. As a result, your upline will provide you copies of their bonus checks, but they will never share anyone their financial information. In other cases, IBOs and prospects who have witnessed their upline making a fortune from products may be hesitant to acquire the same items with enthusiasm.

Overall, if you are selling tools, you are likely to be successful and to be associated with the "haves." If you purchase the tools, you will almost certainly be unsuccessful in Amway. You are a possessor of nothing. There is little interaction between the two, and you are deluding yourself if you believe they do.

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