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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What Are The Odds?

 Many people consider reaching the platinum level in Amway to be a noteworthy accomplishment in the company's history. While it may be rewarding to reach that level and receive recognition from the Amway organisation, I would want to point out that a study conducted in Wisconsin by the state's attorney general indicated that platinums, on average, were losing money. Although the report is a little out of date, I will point out that there are now even more expenditures associated with running an Amway business than there were previously. In this section you'll find information on voicemail, books, functions, standing orders and delivery. It's feasible that platinum prices are losing more value today than they were when the Wisconsin study was conducted, in my opinion. In that study, the top one percent of IBOs were analysed, and it was discovered that on average, they suffered a net loss of almost $900 per person.

It is not uncommon for a normal platinum group to have 100 or more downline IBOs. As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that less than one percent of IBOs can achieve that level. And that doesn't even take into account the number of people that sign up and then drop out. It is also reported to be difficult to keep the level of platinum constant. When one takes into account those who give up, it is possible to conclude that only a minuscule fraction of one percent ever achieve platinum. In his prime, my former upline diamond had seven frontline platinums under his belt. In fact, six of them were at the ruby level. None of them currently hold the platinum status, and I'm not even sure whether any of them are still active in the industry today. As a result, you have a less than one percent chance of reaching platinum, and an even lower probability of being able to retain that level.

Is it even possible for a serious potential business owner to consider starting a firm with such a slim possibility of success? Even those who earn platinum status are likely to lose their position in the hierarchy. If platinums are unable to keep their level, it is easy to understand why there are former diamonds in circulation. Many people seem eager to take a chance on an Amway business because the start-up costs are so little. After all, what is the point of putting up all of this effort if the likelihood of earning a profit is so remote? A real business owner would weigh the risks and rewards, and while it is possible to argue that Amway is relatively low risk, it can also be argued that the rewards are virtually non-existent, save for a small number of elite individuals who are able to overcome the overwhelming odds and generate a significant income.

To make matters worse, many independent business owners (IBOs) put a significant amount of time and money into developing an Amway business that is unlikely to generate a profit. According to my estimations, the average serious IBO will spend $250 or more per month on tools. If you had placed that money in mutual funds over a number of years, you would have a much higher chance of realising some of your goals. Even putting the money in a savings account would put you in a better position than the great majority of IBOs, though. A serious business owner would want to know what their realistic chances of making money are before starting their venture. Prospects and independent business owners (IBOs) appear to be completely unaware of this fact for some inexplicable reason. They only think about the best-case situation or what is physically achievable. They appear to be oblivious to the likelihood of events and the realities of life.

Due to the fact that uplines are in the business of selling tools and distributorships, this is the case. These people are not genuinely concerned with your long-term, sustainable success. If you still don't believe me, attempt to stop purchasing standing orders and function tickets and see how long it takes for you to be edified and given assistance from upline to resume purchasing them. In all seriousness, would a genuine business owner be interested in a possibility of success of less than one percent?

When people are contemplating taking a risk or making a decision, one of the questions that frequently comes to mind is, "What are the odds?" The term "probability" is used here to refer to the likely that a given outcome will occur, and it is frequently applied in the context of assessing the potential risks and rewards of a scenario. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss what it means to analyze the odds, as well as how to do so.

Understanding Odds

The chances are a numerical representation of how likely it is that a certain occurrence will take place. Typically, they are presented in the form of a ratio or a percentage. If the probability of winning a lottery is 0.00001 or 0.0001%, for instance, the odds of winning are 1 in 10 million, which means that the probability of winning is 0.00001 or 1 in 10 million. The odds can be determined by using statistical data, historical trends, or expert analysis as the basis for the calculation.

Evaluating Odds

When doing a probability analysis, it is essential to take into account both the possible downsides and upsides of a scenario. For instance, even if the chances of winning a lottery are low but the prize money up for grabs is substantial, some people might still choose to participate in the lottery. In a similar vein, even if the chances of success in a business endeavor are low but the potential rewards are enormous, some individuals may decide to take the risk anyway.

It is also essential to take into account the various elements that may have an effect on the probabilities. In the context of a sporting event, for instance, the chances could be affected by elements such as the weather, injuries, or the amount of expertise possessed by the athletes competing. The probabilities of success in a commercial endeavor can be affected by a variety of factors, including market tendencies, levels of competition, and economic situations.

Opportunities and Dangers

When calculating the likelihood of something happening, it is essential to take into account both the potential downsides and upsides of the scenario. The potential for undesirable results, such as monetary loss or physical danger, is what is meant by the term "risks." The term "rewards" refers to any possible advantageous results, such as monetary gain or increased levels of personal satisfaction.

Before selecting a choice, it is critical to perform a thorough analysis of the pros and cons, as well as to have an accurate picture of the various possible outcomes. For the sake of illustration, if the odds of success in a business endeavor are low but the potential returns are great, it might be advantageous to take the risk. It is possible that it would be prudent to revisit the decision if the potential risks were greater than the potential advantages.


When faced with the prospect of taking a risk or settling on a course of action, people frequently ponder the question, "What are the odds?" People can improve their chances of success by increasing their level of understanding of the probabilities involved in a circumstance as well as their evaluation of the potential dangers and rewards associated with that situation. Before choosing a choice, it is essential to take into account not only the variables that could affect the probabilities, but also the potential drawbacks and benefits of the option. People will have the ability to make decisions based on accurate information, which will increase their chances of attaining their objectives.

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