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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Transparency Of A Dreamer

 Joecool has a new admirer, according to reports. The author of the blog "Transparency Of A Dreamer" is a WWDB IBO who lives in the United Kingdom.

Cameron is the author of this site, and he is a WWDB IBO, according to his bio. Shaun Guthrie writes a blog called WWDB Expeditions Of Truth, which I used to read on a regular basis. Both of them, it appears, are from Canada. What I find amusing is how Cameron incorporates the word "transparency" into the title of his site. Cameron's blog, like Shaun's, does not allow for comments to be posted. It strikes me as strange that pro-Amway blogs frequently do not accept comments unless they are complimentary towards Amway. What exactly do they have to be terrified of? Hmm.

Cameron writes on his blog that

Using the Dream Builder training and mentorship system while remaining "open" about my successes, but most importantly, my failures. When I think of myself as a dreamer, I think of myself as wanting and desiring more for myself as well as my family, friends, and connections. As a result, the Dreamer is transparent.

It was because I believed that there was a lack of honesty and openness in the way information and experience was communicated that I decided to call this blog.

How come Cameron does not allow comments or openness on his own site, is the issue I have for him.

He publicly attacks me because he believes I harbour animosity for Amway and World Wide Development Bank (WWDB). This is not correct. I have no animosity toward anyone. My blog is about my experiences working with Amway and WWDB, as well as some of the unethical business activities that WWDB officials engaged in. On the basis of my observations on Shaun Guthrie's blog, I can confirm that some of the same practises that I observed more than ten years ago are still in use today. In his blog, Shaun talked about getting out of debt, which is commendable, but he did it by selling his house and cashing in his retirement plan. Shaun's blog is no longer available (maybe because he quit?). He talked about buying homes in cash and claiming that the divorce rate in Amway/WWDB is only 2 percent, which is a dubious assertion at best. I hear a lot about how Amway/WWDB has evolved, yet here we have the same leaders teaching the same material as they have in the past. What, specifically, has changed? I should point out that WWDB leaders during my time lied and claimed that no profit could be earned from tools. Now that the lie has been exposed, they acknowledge that money can be gained from tools, but none of the liars have ever been brought to justice.

Let's take a look at Cameron's company:

Entrepreneurial Level: Founders' Beliefs Set a timer for approximately 2 years straight + additional consecutive months to today's date (as of this post, March - April 2014).

The highest PV Bonus Bracket is comprised of 9 percent of BV over our organisation plus retail and personal use volume, respectively.

1 inch is my personal width.

On one sponsored leg, the depth is two feet broad.

Cameron's bonus is in the range of 6 to 9 percent of his salary. The fact is that he is losing money because of his elite membership and attendance at parties. When you include in business expenses, 6-9 percent will pay you roughly $100 a month (gross), which will result in a net loss when you consider in business expenses. That does not take into consideration the time spent on the project. Cameron claims that he is not in debt, but he does not indicate that he receives a profit from the Amway company. Most likely due to the fact that his work compensates for his Amway/WWDB losses.

For the record, as an IBO, I witnessed WWDB leaders give advise such as having your family forego a meal in order to purchase another tape/cd, or abandoning your job in order to attend a function; after all, you can always find another work. You have approximately 3 months to avoid making your mortgage payment before the mortgage company forecloses (so you can attend a WWDB function). Greg Duncan reminded us how foolish it was to take out loans in the first place (can you say hypocrite). I'm curious if Mr. Duncan has completed the repayment of all of his loans. LOL Can you say hypocrite? Brad Wolgamott lectured on the 2 percent divorce rate (can you say hypocrite?).

Cameron then attempts to undermine me by posting a link to David Steadson's blog on his website. (IBOFightback). Beth Dornan, who used to run an Amway corporate blog, has already called Steadson a liar and a cyber bully, and she has called for the prosecution of Steadson.

Many of those who frequent the Opportunity Zone are familiar with the notion of "civil discourse," which governs our discussions in this space.

Civil conversation means that we agree to differ, but that we do not agree to be disagreeable with one another. To put it another way, I respect your freedom to hold an opinion that differs from mine and ask that you do the same on my behalf. In a nutshell, it indicates that you are respected. Bullies are not permitted on the premises.

After reading that someone who has been critical of this company has been hounded and disparaging information about him has been placed online by a cyber bully, I was a little troubled.

It is just Steadson, a.k.a. IBOFightback, who has written nasty articles regarding Amway detractors in his career.

Cameron then attacks my usage of profanity on my blog, claiming that it is inappropriate. I have, and I am allowing some of it to continue. Nobody, on the other hand, gets a handful of dirt in their face without first dishing it out. I've been threatened, and IBO's have slandered and libelled my reputation. That is why I go by the fictitious name "Joecool" in order to protect my genuine identity.

What is it about Amway and WWDB that continues to draw criticism? No, it is not because of Joecool or any other Amway slammer. Amway and WWDB have come under fire for the activities and behaviour of their independent business owners (IBOs). People are continuously being deceived and coerced into attending gatherings. People continue to overestimate the amount of money and effort required to establish Amway. People present the best-case scenario without providing information on the usual IBO's experiences. The internet is still brimming with real complaints about Amway and WWDB, and their sole response has been to attack the critic rather than address the issues that have led to the criticism in the first place.

I know you've been reading this site, so I wish you the best of luck. You've been an IBO for three years and have one leg, with a few more downline under you. According to a former WWDB commander, insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Were you provided a two- to five-year strategic plan? Perhaps it is time for you to take a deep breath and come to terms with Amway and WWDB for yourself. I truly hope you won't quit and take your blog down like all other WWDB IBO's I've encountered.

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