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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Amway Routine?

 I'm sending this mail to let IBOs know that they should be mindful of the current situation in their firm. What I'm getting at is that when you're a new IBO, it's usual for you to buy and sell your 100 PV, as well as listen to some audio CDs. If you basically followed the advice of your sponsor or upline, you will have reached the 100 PV bonus level and will receive a bonus from Amway worth approximately $10. If you followed the advice of your upline/sponsor, you most likely compiled a list of possible business partners, also known as prospects, and began corresponding with them. You're probably feeling a little giddy because everything is going just as you planned. You've done your part, and now a bonus is on its way to your door. As a result of your newly discovered interest and enthusiasm, you may have even sponsored a friend or cousin.

What happens, though, after a few months? The chances of you ever accomplishing anything are little to none if you are still doing 100 PV and have no downline. Your initial thrill has worn off, and now the Amway opportunity has taken on the character of "work." Moreover, you have begun to notice that the cost of continuing to acquire things, many of which you have never purchased before, is becoming increasingly expensive. If you were buying cases of energy drinks and "high quality" vitamins prior to joining Amway, how much money were you saving? Did you purchase $50 cases of bottled water prior to joining Amway? Because their laundry soap and other cleaners are said to be extremely concentrated, your consumables will be the nutrition and vitamin items, according to them.

Even if you were successful in recruiting some downline, are they repeating your efforts? Is it also the case that they are transferring volume and sponsoring downline? If not, what are your prospects of completing the 6-4-2 plan, or a version of it that is comparable to it? When I first looked at the plan, I thought it was acceptable, and I was well on my way to earning my platinum status. What I realised, however, is that as you climb through the ranks, your upline has higher expectations of you, which entails the purchase of more tools. (I was in the WWDB at the time.) Finally, my recommended tool purchases ate up any profits I had, and at the 4000 level, I was just about breaking even, which means I was losing money after accounting for my time spent and other expenses such as petrol money.

What part of the world are you in? If you've been in the business for more than a year, are you on track to achieve platinum, or are you stuck at 200 PV with only one downline? Maybe you have a small group of people with 600 PV available? You're still a long way away from making a net profit. The vast majority of people do not expect to achieve success in their lives right away. For the majority of people, what lies ahead is more time wasted, more money spent, and no real advancement. If your group is presently expanding on a monthly basis, you are regressing in your efforts. If you do not have new IBOs joining the group on a regular basis, your group is most likely stagnant. Maintaining a group of IBOs is a difficult endeavour, especially given the fact that approximately half of them leave each year.

Those who have been in business for a few months, how are you doing? What are your current circumstances after a year? The fact that you haven't gone platinum yet almost guarantees that you will never do so, regardless of what your upline may say about it. The facts are in front of you; it's only a matter of whether or not you want to trust them.

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