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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Truth About Amway Is Negative?

 One of the ridiculous things that Amway Independent Business Owners are taught is to avoid being negative. I believe this is something that is taught today by uplines, and it was certainly something that was stressed throughout my time as an IBO. It would be said by the upline diamond that the world is full of negatives and that we as individuals take in far too much of these negatives. As a result, the IBOs were instructed to abstain from watching television, reading newspapers, and engaging in other forms of communication with the outside world. The group was also instructed to avoid conversing with anyone who had an unfavourable opinion about Amway. As a result, many people have labelled Amway groups such as WWDB or N21 as cultish or cult-like in their approach (information deprevation or information control). Because you consider current events and essential local news to be "bad," it is insane to be apathetic about them. If you live in the Midwest, you should be aware of the possibility of a tornado approaching your area. Or, if you're like me and reside in Hawaii, you'll want to know whether a hurricane is headed your direction. To stay away from the news because it is perceived as "bad" is silly and ignorant.

I can understand that you don't want to exclusively take in negative information since it can tyre you down, but not watching the news or reading about current events in the newspaper makes you indifferent and misinformed, and I can understand that. As an example, wouldn't you be interested in and require knowledge about whether or not an escaped criminal was prowling around your neighbourhood? Staying away from the news could be extremely destructive to your family and house. Do you avoid going to the doctor because he might not give you a "positive" appraisal of your health? As a result, I feel that many Amwayers walk about with a phoney smile on their face, attempting to appear unduly optimistic in their approach. However, this type of conduct is damaging to IBOs rather than beneficial.

In addition, many IBOs are unable to discriminate between the negative and the truth, which is an extremely critical distinction. If your wife inquires as to whether her new dress makes her appear overweight, the truth may be that the new dress does, in fact, make her appear overweight. Even though it may be difficult for you to give that answer, you must do so because the truth is the truth. The truth might be either positive or negative at times, but the truth is always the truth. IBOs appear to be unable to distinguish between the two.

The majority of IBOs make less than $100 each month. That is the absolute truth. Most independent business owners (IBOs) lose money if they participate in functions, standing orders, and other similar activities. That is the absolute truth. The majority of independent business owners will never even sponsor a downline. That is the absolute truth. The majority of IBOs, despite their high levels of desire and ambition, will never see their goals realised. That is the absolute truth. Many upline diamonds, who counsel IBOs to acquire tools and attend functions, and who fill the IBOs' heads with visions, earn a substantial amount of money from the selling of tools and attending functions. That is also the truth in this case. In a one-year period, nearly half of all IBOs will decide to leave the business. That is the absolute truth. A business with residual income cannot be built in an environment where 50% of the workforce is continually leaving. That is also the truth in this case.

Is it a bad thing to be honest with yourself? Or are IBOs incapable of dealing with the truth?

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